šŸ¤” Classic+ Discussion

Do you know WHY that drastic dropoff occurred?? Because Ion thought it would be cool to remove flying. THAT should tell you guys something about your Classic+ ideas not including flying. Youā€™re leaving money on the table right thereā€¦but you guys are so stubborn about it you canā€™t see the forest for the trees :roll_eyes:

  1. No Flying. Ever.
  2. No transmog. It affects PVP.
  3. No dungeon finder, or raid finder.
  4. An in game LFG. You go to the capital city and right click a billboard and it shows you names of people in an immersive way.
  5. Keep weapon skills.
  6. No Pandaria. No corny panda anything.
  7. Horizontal progression. So more legendaries that are REALLY hard to get but they exist at least. Another alternative raid tier. Alternative dungeons.
  8. More RPG elements: Language translation zones where you can talk to the enemy faction. Player run cities. Player housing! Take all the best elements of Archeage and plug it into WoW. Even better player crafting.
  9. More team quests. More ten man dungeons.
  10. Further deepening an enrichment of every single vanilla aspect. Hire new writers to come up with new lore.

You missed Marriage

I feel three things about this:

  1. People working on the game now arenā€™t capable of creating content ā€œin the spirit of Vanilla.ā€ I donā€™t think the people who made Vanilla originally could do that at this point in their lives. Furthermore, the people who toss around ideas like ā€œthe spirit of Vanillaā€ canā€™t even agree amongst themselves what that actually means.
  2. Whatever content comes out of this will inevitably be disliked by about half of the players.
  3. If it were to happen, it canā€™t function as an expansion Iā€™m forced to upgrade to. The second I see new gear and mounts in the game that werenā€™t in Vanilla, youā€™ve ruined the experience for me.

I would much rather that Phase 6 be added in and Classic just be left alone. I and many, many others will find plenty to do to keep ourselves entertained without new content. If that doesnā€™t appeal to some, they can play something else.

Found it. Quoting for future perusal.

Crazy. Almost as if our final goal isnā€™t money.

I didnā€™t mean that statement in the literal sense. My point is that if you guys actually want your ideas to ā€œtake offā€ (pun intended) then youā€™re going to have to accept that more people would be amenable to actually playing to experience this new content you guys are busy brainstorming if flight was included

You quoted the whole thing, didnā€™t you?

Your Blizzard overlords have blocked such immoral actions.

Donā€™t worry. Iā€™m not planning on editing it.

Ah. Fair enough.

So again, I definitely dont think thatā€™s our goal. Youā€™re quite right, if we wish to attract new customers we would simply follow blizzards formula, all the way back to retail.

Instead we wish to recreate and expand upon an older paradigm, a less popular paradigm, one which has always and likely will always be less popular.

Hyperboleā€¦flying itself is not the equivalent of retail. Hereā€™s the thing thoughā€¦I read all the suggestions from several others earlier in the thread who actually want retail features added. Do you not see the hypocrisy there?? :thinking:

You know I donā€™t think Iā€™d have jumped to that conclusion.

No I merely pressed the reply button and typed something to make a mark so that I can come back later and give an intriguing critique of horizontal progression proper consideration. It occurs to me only now that there is a bookmark function.

Itā€™s not jumping to conclusions. Itā€™s a logical conclusion based on the assumption that you did, in fact, quote my post.

Classic is beautiful. Leave it alone.

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In this alternate universe Iā€™d like to see playable High Elves on the alliance


I want Classic and post expansions with AAA graphics with RTX on, bring it on, i could pay 30$ per month if i could just for that.


I see a lot of consensus. Things like no flying, and ā€œhorizontal progressionā€ retaining the level cap at 60 and not inflating overall gear power, and how the barbership seems to be okay, all seem to have broad if not unanimous support.

I donā€™t think anyone is saying it would be a forced conversion from Classic. It would be an alternative path that at most people could transfer or copy to.


Given how High Elves look in Classic, I wouldnā€™t.

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Eh, they use the Night Elf model so they would have to be updated anyway.

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Okay. I donā€™t. And besides, Iā€™m not talking about game features. ā€œSpiritā€ is what people keep referencing and the spirit of a thing is a lot more complicated than barbershops.

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I meant the conclusion that I was quoting you so as to preserve your words in the fear that you might change them nefariously.