šŸ¤” Classic+ Discussion

It sounds like a lot of you donā€™t want classic, you just want a version of WoW thatā€™s tailor made to your own personal taste.

Just reading through some of the replies, this is why classic+ is never coming.


Iā€™m all for classic+ (infact I want it badly) but they have to follow a lot of strict rules.

No new race/class combos.
no new races.
no easily accessible new powerful items (no boeā€™s that negate other content)
some sort of attunement for new areas, so that skipping the normal classic experience would not be an option.

No added low level things is a big one because it can easily change the game in a negative way. New raids? yes please. new level 60 dungeons? welcomed absolutely. But donā€™t add anything that will hurt what came before.

The reason I want Classic+ is because I donā€™t want TBC. its not classic. Its TBC. I played TBC extensively originally and its good but its not classic. I want to play classic after naxx without the game being dead and it /will/ die when we hit the point of no additional content.


That is exactly how EQ dungeons work, and its great

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No horde pallys, I know its a nightmare to balance, but there has to be something sacred that should not be changed to keep faction uniqueness going. With that in mind, no stupid blood elves, you want some pretty effeminate race, play a night elf female.
I donā€™t get why you would want to play horde, supposedly the gritty faction thatā€™s all about honor and survival and throwing off the tyranny of the alliance, containing tauren and orcs who supposedly are shamanistic cultures that respects nature, and ruin that theme by adding hoity toity blood elves, who would probably sneer at the other races. The undead do seem a bit out of place but at least they are also gritty outsiders, and the trolls are also a more nature tribal society which fits in with orcs.

They can start with balancing classes a bit more.

I donā€™t mind transmog being added way later down the line.

New content maybe but they have to be very careful not to invalidate previous content, or maybe add in more choices for itemization in new raids. The items wouldnā€™t be more powerful than what we already have, but offer new stat combinations, for example tanking plate with int for paladins.


As long as I can copy my Vanilla player over to the Classic+ server, I say, bring it on!


Yeah I would LOVE to see Blizz assign a fresh dev team to work on a ā€œClassic +ā€ approachā€¦ make new, original content with the Classic gameplay in mind.

Would love to see what a modern dungeon/raid encounter team can do with the Classic class kits.

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I would want nothing of the sort.

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ye yes yes this 100million times. Due to all the time crap we have done you can do classic + then base expansion off us unscrewing the mistakes we did make. not just burning crusade is coming. we all already know how to handle stuff. Keep us as Adventureā€™s and base the story around the game. Not the Story around us.

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Do go on.

Perhaps youā€™re implying that once a character has flushed out the horizontal progression possibilities, it becomes pointless to do so again? This would be trivial to fix, one could simply make it impossible practically to experience all aspects of the horizontal progression. Making your next character take a different path horizontally.

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I already didā€¦ In this thread.

Iā€™m kind of wondering if theyā€™ll do this for any potential TBC serversā€¦or if TBC characters will start at 61.

Time will tell if that even ever becomes a thing. :slight_smile:

why would a lazy company like blizzard do extra work when all they need to do to make a ton of money is release tbc?

we will get tbc.

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I am up for these ideas except for flying mounts.

Part of the classic experience is seeing you run past someone questing. To see gryphons fly over high traffic areas. To meet that random person questing on the same one you are.

If you add in flying mounts you just added another dimension of missing these players.

Part of classicā€™s appeal was immersion. You threaten that for the sake of convenience which I would say no.

Additional content would be welcome though. No level increase.


Iā€™m quite glad you arenā€™t to be honest.

News flash, Classic and retail are two completely different games. Retail did a lot of nice QoL changes that classic could use, but doesnā€™t have. (Changes that donā€™t change how the game plays. Such has mount/pet tabs, barber shops, transmog, better flight paths, more flight paths, etc)

Retail is honestly quite boring in itā€™s current state. It should be screaming that something is wrong to blizzard when your sub count goes from over 10 million at the start of WoD and drops to almost 5 million 6 months later.

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Hopefully if they do release TBC servers they will allow free transfers for our level 60 classic characters.


didnā€™t post on classic character, thread noted to be irrelevant and muted.

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Iā€™m always going to side with keeping the ecosystem the same, but finishing and adding content that fits classic. Azshara crater, kara, hyjal, CoT, maybe a patch where weā€™re invaded through the portal, whatever is east of burning steppes, the stormwind instance, etc.

This would allow the game to continue without getting stale. No one wants classic to turn into the insta 60 battlegrounds servers.


I remember when they took away talent trees from WoW during Cata, and it heavily reminded me of Diablo 3 systems. Heck even my Paladin started to resemble to Crusader from Diablo in terms of skills: 360 Hammers, and Instant Charger charges. I donā€™t hate retail, but now Classic is available, even I sort of wish Blizzard would consider creating an alternate expansion for kicks based on original WoW design.

All hail reading quests! No marked maps! And making friends in /4 LFG and /2 Trade!