🤔 Classic+ Discussion

Yeah, absolutely. A lot of QoL and aesthetic improvements aren’t really dealbreakers for me. I wouldn’t care if we had a barbershop, transmog (again, with a toggle so it’s each player’s choice), and the ability to hide shoulders.

To reiterate, though, since a lot of other posts are “don’t change my classic!”

Nobody’s suggesting that. This is just a fun speculative thread in response to people expecting that in 2-3 years time people will want TBC servers. I think Classic servers should exist relatively unchanged for as long as the game is still live. I’m just curious how they could play with the formula and keep it interesting without just going down that same old progression road we already know.


I love the ‘stagnation’ argument people keep bringing up, like BFA wasn’t stale for like 6 months.

I personally plan on getting to 60, raiding for gear, then sitting in Arathi Basin for the rest of time.

For some reason I never got bored of that in vanilla. I’d just log in for half an hour or so here and there and play it like it was Quake. :slight_smile:


Retail started at the end of WOLTK and start of cata

LOL no…in THEIR minds, Classic+ is supposed to replace BC/Wrath with the exception of whatever changes and features they want added from those expansions…all without flying or raising the level cap of course. A small vocal group that wants Classic+ seems to think that Blizzard will actually spend money and time on THAT, rather than just re-releasing TBC/Wrath. LMAO


I think a lot of PVP players have a favorite battleground that they’d be happy to play forever. For me it would be AV, but AB would be good for breaks.

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As you say, these are limited solutions to a fundamental structural problem of trying to keep all content relevant. Add to that the fact that players aren’t going to be able to run all the content if there’s too much of it. AND add the fact that you will inevitably have to create higher tiers of content because sidegrades aren’t going to last very long at all.

Or you could simply bump the level cap every 3 tiers, which mostly resets progression, giving a window for new guilds to get in on the action. This also solves a multitude of other issues like balance and such.

The latter solution has been shown to work, and work well. The only real downside is aesthetic: old content becomes essentially worthless.

To make this work with no level resets, game designers need to change something fundamental about the game. I’m not sure what.

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Yeah, I liked AV as well, though it was very unhealthy on my vanilla server. Very one sided battles. There’s no way to know if AV is gonna be healthy on whichever server I choose to stick with, so it’s kind of a dice roll.

I wouldn’t mind seeing the other pvp battlegrounds introduced, but I’ll always gravitate toward AB. :slight_smile:

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AV was massively Horde favored on my server except when one of two people from Alliance was in there leading. It was fun to be one of the regulars on one of those two teams.

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I know I was someone who brought this up once (on my worg alt, cause my Tauren here wasn’t leveled up enough to post on). I think it would be a super fun ride and it would allow retail and an “alternate” version to live side by side.

Also means folks who did all this back in the original days would not know what to expect and could be caught off guard!

Like you said, what if Arthas won? What if the Worgans came out from the experiments instead of from a walled up city? Just so many things they could poke n’ prod.


Maybe they should just dump raiding. Don’t balance the game for raiding. No streamlining away all the interesting stuff just because it’s in the way of easy raiding.

You want them to go a different route no?


It’s quite an interesting concept. Getting retail back to what made WoW so addicting would be difficult as there’s too much bloat in the game. With Classic+ they could build the game with a sort of fresh approach. Explore alternate storylines and little known aspects of WoW lore. They could use Caverns of Time to explore alternate timelines and events, and could expand it to add a raid/dungeon every few years. For PvP, they could expand the Gurubashi Arena model instead of going the arena route. Place arenas like Gurubashi in forlorn locations in Azeroth and provide tournaments, holiday events, novelty items and the like through it. On the matter of gear, instead of adding tier sets, they could add small things like rings/trinkets that could synergize weak/infeasible specs in order to make them viable.

There’s a lot they could do with classic+ which would keep the game going for another decade, I’m just not sure that Activision is up for it. It’s not a passion project for them, it’s a commodity. But if they can be convinced that such a project would bring more steady subs, maybe it has a chance.


If transmit is added it is no longer classic and we would have the same problems that it caused in progressive wow. If you don’t understand why transmog is bad, you do not understand why people wanted vanilla


Yes if they can find devs who can actually do that. If it’s going to be a repeat of nerf, destroy, remove or mutilate everything that previous devs have built, then what’s the point?

just give me TBC, I don’t need any Classic +

Yeah AV, but original AV, sadly. The best single piece of content ever in the game. Maybe ever in any game.

On Classic+, I like the alternative narrative idea, but would start by just adding the content originally intended for Vanilla: Karazhan 40, Dragon Isles, Undermine, etc., and trying out stuff they scrapped during: Azshara Crater BG, Gurubashi Catacombs, the Azeroth Scavenger Hunt, and there were many others. Things they thought we didn’t, but we did.

Then flesh out reps like Shen’Dralar so they are not just grinds for the insane, give them rewards and more content, and add zones with HARDER content to offer non-raid progression. The revamped Silithus started this well, with the twilight camps and 2-3 man content that actually had decent rewards, but it was too little too late in Vanilla, and we never saw the likes of it again, mainly because the gear gap was never so large again. That would deal with players starting out down the line, I mean it would be no different from the daunting grind from level 1 in retail, and it would allow content to stay more relevant without actually raising the level cap.

I would rather Classic retain the pally/shammy divide, so no new races, and instead Quel’Thalas could be new max level content. ZA is there, for a start.

Then there’s the idea that the south seas was supposed to be the first expansion, but they needed a separate world server for the zone count, or whatever … and that would be an interesting alternative start to the narrative!


Sorry? Is there some problem with horizontal progression I’m not familiar with?

Sorry? Are you implying there’s an issue with horizontal progression I’m not familiar with?

The level cap should never go beyond 60. The ruleset should remain mostly the same. No flying mounts. No Arena’s or heroics.

Add story content and new Raids/Dungeons. Add housing. Use crafting as the way to “develop your character” after level cap. Add recipes and such.


classic + the cata-crusading-azermists.

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