I don't Understand the Mindset of #nochangers

For as much as you’re quoting and campaigning against that thread, you’re totally and utterly missing the point. It is not a request to build a new server. It is not a request for anything at all. It’s a discussion on things people wouldn’t mind seeing in the game. It’s clear you don’t see the value in that, so I’ll try to elaborate.

I’ve liked all constructive posts in that thread because I respect peoples opinions even when I don’t agree with them. You like flying? Great! Don’t like flying? Great! Maybe you don’t want any changes at all? Awesome! These are all opinions, and it’s ok for us to disagree.

Since it seems difficult to understand what’s explicitly stated, that it’s just a discussion, I’ll fill you in on the implicit reason that thread exists. I wanted to hear from other people about what made classic special to them.

Their experience.

It’s different for each and every one of us, but we’re all here so we can all agree that it was a special game. And this is a very special time for both games. We can look at what the game is now versus what it used to be, and individually evaluate where it may have lost some charm.

In that sense, it’s educational. What took away from that experience? What was added that didn’t? I think Classic should exist in its original form forever, because it’s a piece of video game history and it deserves that.

It’s absolutely worth talking about why that is, though, and the very best way to do that is to talk about the elements of it that changed. I simply don’t believe that there’s seven expansions of systems and content and not a single change was for the better. Which ones did you like? Which ones did you not like? If we agree that Classic was a special game and maybe modern WoW isn’t, why is that?

Are we able to collectively learn something here about WoW, or MMOs in general?

What’s important to me, in the end, is learning about that. And not just why it’s that way for me, but why it’s that way for you and everyone else.

That’s why that thread exists. Not to ruin anyone’s day or change something we love, but to learn.

Hope that helps.