Classic Content Plan

Now this is an update! Thank you!


I’m disappointed they went with this. Now every raid will be beaten within 1-2 hours of release because guilds will have months to farm the previous raid before attempting and now even less specs will be viable at the beginning of the game until new itemization kicks in.

The private server streamers got their way i guess.


This is such an amazing update. I’m so thankful you decided to go down the correct patch of trying your best to mirror the original content release pattern instead of bulk dropping content that would conflict or potentially trivialize other content.

12/10 Blizzard, well done.


I think you misunderstood the update completely.


yay thanks this looks really good glad you guys care

No i understand it very well. maybe you would like to explain why you THINK that i do not though?

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Doom and Gloom much?

There is ALWAYS someone…


Amazing update Kaivax, objectively (structure and detail) and subjectively ( great news for Classic fans).

Now this is the kind of community we need with WoW.

Excellent work.


So excited keep up the good work


The alternative being … Releasing it all at once, and having everything beaten in 3 months?

What are you trying to argue?


You sir are doing an amazing job with Public relations. Keep it up, we just need details on server caps and are you forcing sharding?

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They are mirroring the actual live release patch cycles the best they can and segregating content correctly. This is completely different than what private servers do.

Delaying Dire Maul, segregating ZG and BWL, adjusting loot tables to pre-1.10+ to avoid crazy itemization all PREVENTS potential steamrolling and trivializing of the first 2 stages of the original 4 proposed stages.

This new staged release plan is absolutely the best thing for Classic we could have asked for–the original release plan mirrored as best they can.


Will we have t2 in MC as it should be? Or are they going the pserver route and removing all the new items but not adding back what should be there?

Those days of MC are fun ./snore

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Beautiful! Classic is on the right track, thank you so much for all the hard work blizzard and keep going we are super excited! Can’t wait for this summer.


everything wouldnt be beaten in 3 months, you need a lot of a previous raids items as well as resist gear to do the later raids and its hard to get that for every raid member when you can only do the early raids once a week. Their original classic plan was pretty good apart from no honor system at the start.

When new servers were coming out in 2006 did they stagger the content like this? No, It is a change. And we have seen the effects of this already on private servers, raids are no longer about competing through progression, they are about competing to see who can beat the new raid the fastest on release between 1-2 hours depending on raid.

i think a guild trying to progress through aq40 in mostly blues would be more interesting than holding off releasing aq40 until after the raid is decked out in BiS gear.


well said I agree 100%

What’re the ideas for handling content beyond Vanilla? I feel like a lot of modern WoW’s ills stem from its vertical expansion model, though I’m not sure what a horizontal expansion style would look like, exactly.

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You got retail for that.


full database of itemisation changes