Bravo Classic Devs Thank You

Their release schedule is the same as vanilla, save a couple minor variances (mara and green dragons). What are you complaining about?

Release: MC and Ony
1.2 - Mara
1.3 - DM, Azuregos, Kazzak
1.6 - BWL, DMF
1.7 - ZG
1.8 - Green Dragons
1.9 - AQ
1.11 - Naxx

The first time around there was development time to factor in, the content simply was not there. This time the development work is done, the release can match to the speed at which content is consumed.

I am certainly NOT saying all content should be out at once, I was there and played through the content as it was released. Progression should be preserved, what I am questioning is the rate of content release.

Do the 6 phases happen once every one or two months for a year duration of content? If so thats probably about the right timeline. If its once every 3 months for many guilds this will be ~6 months of MC, ~6 months of BWL… think about that.

What I am saying is, many guilds might take 6 months+ to clear BWL and will need the ~3 month ZG “leg up” to help progress, other guilds will be well into farm territory after a month of BWL. Server by server it will vary.

Where do we balance content release so that we are not invalidating previous tiers content but are also not so slow that leading guilds have nothing to do?

Curious where everyone pictures themselves on the content curve too. Top 25% / middle of pack / casual/non-raider?

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Well at least now they can have some of the pressure relieved from their release date this summer. :thinking:

Read my post? It seems fairly obvious i was complaining about people who say that others with a different view on raid release timelines don’t “realize the importance”.

Thanks Classic dev team, you guys are really pulling through for us =)


Yeah, I read it. I’m asking in general wtf you are complaining about - you keep referencing their phases as not being true to vanilla, and that they are the “private server” way, and that you’re not happy with it. First, not the case, and the fact that you have a problem with them releasing CLASSIC content as close as possible to the way it was in vanilla - that is the point here, btw - is mind boggling.

We can’t unlearn a decade and a half of experience and information. Unlike vanilla we know exactly what is coming in classic. Classic will not be the same as vanilla… even if in game it was identical, outside the game we, the community, the world has progressed thus the experience is changed.


Congratulations, you just described what Classic will be like for 99% of its lifespan.

All this angst about content release schedules when it is so incredibly meaningless, even just within the context of the game.

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To release it that way would be stupid.

That wasn’t my quote. And it doesn’t matter that we know what’s coming, to release the game with all content out would be stupid.

It’s great to see something changed from less authentic to more authentic. Hopefully this is will become an ongoing trend.

Yeah sorry I highlighted it from your post but it was meant to be to Tinytusk.

I agree with you, progressive content release is very important to maintaining the spirit of vanilla. My concerns are around the speed of progress of that content release. Originally it was time released based on how quickly they could develop it. It didn’t matter if people were ready/not ready etc, the content was ready and it was patched in.

This time around, it doesn’t necessarily have to be tied to a static timeline. All the content is there, don’t release it all at once but maybe let the progression of the server dictate how quick/delayed content is released or follow a TBC style attunement process for content release?

I believe servers will progress at different rates. The way social dynamics in wow tend to happen, you have a main raid guild who will quickly clear content, then maybe they have alts, maybe they run in pugs etc there is a trickle down effect where that server with the top guilds will generally progress much quicker than another server that doesn’t have progression focused raid guilds.

Why not adapt the release of content to the pace the server is progressing?

You are making stuff up now.

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The updated content release is more true to the vanilla content release, not them trying to replicate pservers.

It is the same sort of release schedule nostalrius used. The reason blizzard changed their minds is because “the classic community” lead by youtubers who got famous streaming private servers made a fuss about blizzards initial release schedule not being close enough to their authentic nostalrius release.

Their initial release schedule was just as close to how the classic wow timeline worked for most of the world back in the day.

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If that’s the case, those same people (you included, if you were one of them) aren’t going to notice one bit of difference in the game to the updated release schedule.

Right and if that’s the case then the people claiming that “those who prefer the old content release are out of touch” are just being jerks arent they?

No, because technically the “old content release” is what they’re doing. You mention that their initial release schedule was more like how a lot of people experienced the game back then, but it wasn’t actually how the content was released. Point is, let them release things how they were back then - if you didn’t notice it then, you won’t notice now, and the complaints are pointless.

You literally made a claim then when i suggested that claim worked both ways you said “no”.

nice conversation my dude!

“Right and if that’s the case then the people claiming that “they don’t realize the importance of the way it’s structured” are just being jerks arent they?”

There since we are splitting hairs i edited the post a bit instead of paraphrasing the OP like i did in the other.

Thank you to the Classic Developers for the new 6 step program. :stuck_out_tongue: