Classic Cataclysm without RDF?

I agree. If Cata drops, unlimited store boosts, the cash shop, RDF, and LFR, should all be in it.

From a cost analysis perspective though; likely only the cash shop will be.


The tokens will probably be a thing at some point in Cata classic.

Tokens are already in.

Yeah and I’m assuming they will be a thing in Classic Cata too.

My thinking is if you have things like the cash shop, token, and possibly paid boosts, they might as well add RDF.


All those things make money; doing the background databasing needed to recreate the RDF system upon new servers is costly. I don’t think the debate is whether or not it belongs, but whether or not Blizzard cares at all since it costs money and they know people aren’t gonna quit and if they do whales and bots will replace them anyway.

You probably right but I hope not.

ERA players are used to everything taking an eternity. Have you played a paladin in Vanilla?

That said though, back when Classic launched I played a paladin. I did my level 20 paladin quest for Verigan’s Fist, it involved doing Deadmines, SFK and BFD.

2 of which are extremely annoying for alliance to get to, what was our party? 5 paladins.

Even back then only paladins could be bothered to do the run. Because they got their hammer for it.

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Ok First ummmmm Maybe not talk about the fact you Play on a private server on a you know blizzard public form Concerning that could get your account band.

Secondly NO RDF IN CATA Would be absolutely one of the stupedest decisions blizzard could make I will stand by this point until Doomsday.

NO RDF IN WRATH Especially after phase 1 Has done nothing but hurt the game As a whole For way too many reasons to name.

And honestly I’m hoping Blizzard learns And it does seem that they are I don’t know why they’re choosing this hell to die NO RDF IN WRATH I’m honestly thinking they just don’t want to put it in because they’re lazy.

Only reason I can think about this point But yeah that’s my take.


But my account hasn’t been banned and this thread has been up for a while now.

My favorite 3 dungeons in this entire game across all expansions. The only thing I look forward to at this point in WotLKC.

agreed, because honestly Cata stuff is even more spread out, your in Uldum but need to get get over to Twiling Highlands for your dungeon good luck. You could of course set your hearth to stormwind and take the portals, but wait if your doing a dungeon in a zone but you havn’t done the breadcrumb quest yet the portal isn’t up yet, so now you get to fly to it.

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And the player base is even more spread out.

less could be leveling per server to keep viable population there. I am looking at per server.

Some servers already have this issue. Inb4 benediction says “we are good”. at 30K logs weekly…I’d hope so. I am factoring in the 2K alliance servers. 2k is jsut a bit smaller than 30k.

And we have not even seen how many dip out after ICC/ruby.

Going off retail stats…worgen and goblin are ranked real low. Only some AR’s are beneath them totals wise really. and this was more likely due to they were locked since legion then bfa till last month. Now you jsut need a level 40? char to get them.

I’d not see a surge in worgen and goblin levelings in round 2 either to keep 1 to 80 loaded with levelers for the whole of cata. I could be wrong…time will tell ofc.

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for DPS classes Worgen are actually pretty good, their racial is a flat crit boost, they also get engy boots for free so they can have 2 speed ups for speed running, no idea about Goblins though.



We have hope since they let go of that troll Brian, maybe just maybe they won’t be as stupid this time


goblins get 1% attack speed and spell haste, as well as getting to choose between a ranged attack (Rocket Barrage) or a leap (Rocket Jump).

they also get max vendor discount, mobile bank, and +15 to Alchemy.

it would physically require them to take it out of the code since Cata was launched with RDF already active. it will be in at launch for the simple fact that it’s the least troublesome thing to do.

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while true…retail for years has had running jokes. Like…

you know we never really see worgen rogues.

After you get the usual well you don’t see rogues comment…yeah, not many make a worgen for one more speed boost.

Now I never played OG worgen so if better, cool. But retail worgen CD for the speed racial is so bad we could argue the question does it need to be there. “Could we get something better?” becomes a viable debate.

NIce for DK’s. But its dk…anything to go faster is appreciated.

it could be useful for the speed runners actually, and in Cata worgen wern’t a bad choice the 1% crit was pretty useful. here is a list of the racials for alliance going into Catacylsm.

It was mists that saw a big shift to horde that never really recovered.

Diplomacy: Reputation gains increased by 10%.
Every Man for Himself: Removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character. This effect shares a cooldown with other similar effects.
Mace Specialization: Expertise with Maces and Two-Handed Maces increased by 3.
Sword Specialization: Expertise with Swords and Two-Handed Swords increased by 3.
The Human Spirit: Spirit increased by 3%.

Dwarf: (Note:Character intro has changed)
Frost Resistance: Reduces the chance you will be hit by Frost spells by 2%.
Gun Specialization: Your chance to critically hit with Guns is increased by 1%.
Mace Specialization: Expertise with Maces and Two-Handed Maces increased by 5.
Stoneform: Removes all poison, disease and bleed effects and increases your armor by 10% for 8 sec.
Treasure Finding: No Description.

Night Elf:
Elusiveness: Reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Shadowmelded or Stealthed.
Nature Resistance: Reduces the chance you will be hit by Nature spells by 2%.
Quickness: Reduces the chance that melee and ranged attackers will hit you by 2%.
Shadowmeld: Activate to slip into the shadows reducing the chance for enemies to detect your presence. Lasts until cancelled or upon moving. Any threat is restored versus enemies still in combat upon cancellation of this effect.
Wisp Spirit: Transform into a wisp upon death. increasing speed by 75%.

Gnome: (Note:New zone able to be tested, and new background in character select screen.
Engineering Specialization: Engineering skill increased by 15.
Escape Artist: Escape the effects of any immobilization or movement speed reduction effect.
Expansive Mind: Mana pool increased by 5%.

Gemcutting: Jewelcrafting skill increased by 5.
Gift of the Naaru: Heals the target for ### over 15 sec. The amount healed is increased by your spell power or attack power, whichever is higher.
Heroic Presence: Increases your chance to hit with all spells and attacks by 1%.
Shadow Resistance: Reduces the chance you will be hit by Shadow spells by 2%.

Aberration: Reduces the duration of all Curses and Diseases used against you by 15%.
Darkflight: Activates your true form, increases movement speed by 70% for 10 sec.
Flayer: Skinning skill increased by 15 and allows you to skin faster.
Two Forms: Turn into your currently inactive form.
Vicioiusness: Increases critical strike chance by 1%.

That’s a good point.

If they can remove it from WOTLK from a 3.3.5a source… they can remove it from cata which is what they’ll probably do.