Classic Cataclysm without RDF?

It would be hilarious if they removed it.

Blizzard is actually very good at ruining their own game.


They most likely took pre 3.3.0 code (from backup) and jsut added the class balance and such patch code to that.

Wrath had a backup with no RDF to selectively upgrade. Cata its baked in day 1.

Cataclysm is going to bust in under 3 months whether it has RDF or not. Nothing short of a full redesign could save that trainwreck. I have a bookmarked post where I suggested how to do cataclysm better… probably never going to happen, but I gave it a case regardless.

That would be pretty dumb if they did.

Cata is better than wotlk classic.

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Some parts of cata is better. If they leave the talents and do flying for the old world (for low level toons). Plus, RDF and lesser extent lfr. I would most likely in for cata. Gotta see those change 1st. Would still want wrath era servers tho.

ok bro. if blizzard cant even ban bots why would they ban the mention of private servers?


They would do it for spite, don’t have time for anything else…but, would make time for that.

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You would think private servers to be treated as what they are, pirate servers. Blizz isn’t receiving any money for their operation so I would expect them to treat it as a violation of their IP and sic their lawyers on all involved. Saying you play on a pirate server here in a forum post is an admission of guilt and as your IP address is recorded when you post to the forums, they can link your account to your ISP and subpoena them for your identity. I’m not saying that they would do this but they could if they felt like it. Why tempt fate?

Critical thinking seems to be a lost art where you are from.

Cata is easily one of the best expacs WoW has had. Just because you didn’t like it doesn’t mean nobody else did.

Classic is based on the modern wow client so I would expect it would be easy adding RDF and Raid finder to cata classic.

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I don’t think we are getting RDF. They should have announced it by now. We knew about it months earlier in OG wrath.

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Do not lose hope we’ll definitely get it for sure! (…) R-right?

its been confirmed for icc. :slight_smile:




Welp…I guess that should end the speculation that RDF will be in classic Cata.

W-wait what where? (Breathe some more copium)


NVM I saw it and thanks god… Let’s hope its not a watered down version of it and it actually has minimum 1-80 dungeons with normal heroic in it.


Well well well, looks like someone owes $100. :wink:


Now let’s see if they put their money where their mouth is.

Chances are, they’ll make like the nigerian prince and you won’t see or hear from them again.


It should launch with it. But didn’t you have to find the entrance to the dungeon first before you could rdf it?

dude is never going to post here again lol


His last post was the 16th and last sighting was the 28th

I don’t think he’ll pay up guys :frowning: