Classic approach to retail means dumbing down the game

If you were there, you shouldn’t have to watch YouTube videos. Were you there? Cause if not, then you have zero credibility in gauging a valid opinion of something you have not experienced. Regardless of how “easy” mechanics were.

If you were there, then keep reading cause I have a couple more statements toward what you’ve said.

Who would you classify as “old” …? People who have played the game for 15 (+/-) years? I’ve seen quite a few people who have admitted to playing since they were 12-15 years old, which would put them around 27-30 years old now. Are they “old” if they want to go back to how Classic was? If you played during classic, as I stated above, then how old are you to be calling others old?

“… people like Asmongold like classic.” Regardless of how “good” a player the stick figure of a man is, he sure seems to have a rather large following. This in and of itself gives him more credibility than you or I regarding an opinion of a video game. I’m not at all a fan of him, and frankly I roll my eyes every time I see his name on the forums. Using him as an example, but prefacing it with the statement of “people like him,” makes jack for sense. The fact you’re using him as an example speaks volumes because obviously you watch him in order to have your bias regarding his opinion on Classic.

The most I’ve seen regarding him for anything was when I briefly visited Ythsien’s stream and saw in the guild chat someone congratulating him for hitting 29.

You’re entitled to your opinions, even if your opinions are completely off the wall in telling others “how it was” or “how it will be.” Perhaps you may be right, but then again maybe you might be completely wrong.

We have enough doomsayers on here, why not throw your hat into the pile?

Just an “old man’s” two pennies.


And thats why you had feeder guilds and poaching

So use a cookie cutter build unless you wanna be really ineffective.

That’s interesting, because I had the exact opposite reaction. Modern WoW is better than Vanilla in almost every single way, to the point there is not even a slight chance I will play Classic.

You’re in the beta?

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It’s really not that different.

Now we just don’t spam trade chat in Stormwind or Org over and over begging for a spot or tank to show up. Time in queue or spamming trade are generally the same though.


Lol, there’s that illusion of choice.

Sure you can build your character however you want, but you’ll suck at everything unless you use a cookie cutter build.


Thats one example, but what about pruning abilities? What about WF/TF item drops? What about LFD/LFR?

What about difficult questing? What about dungeons that arent a linear “MDI inspired” mess? What about balancing PVP around PVP, not 3v3 arena?

There are some things Blizzard sees in Classic that they are attempting to emulate, but by large Blizzard is STILL moving away from Classic with retail.


Op trying far too hard to talk people out of enjoying classic

Jokes on you OP. You’ve actually made me more excited. Bring on the grind!


Raids, dungeons, lore questing ect are not the issue from what I’ve seen. Systems, gearing and class design are.

That’s funny, bc part of the reason they did away with the old trees was players creating overpowering specs. Which means players always find a way…however, not every “cookie cutter” build works for every situation in Classic. That makes it interesting, as do the choices you make as you level. BFA, so Beta they couldn’t even scrounge up 1 new talent point on schedule at 120…

We think we’re enjoying it, but we’re not.


It’s just sad the desperation to try and talk people into hating something that they have no intention of playing

I know exactly what Classic brings to the table, it’s not going to surprise me. I’m excited to try it out


Seriously it’s been around for over a decade now, all the information on what the game is like has been around for just as long.

People know what they’re in for, we don’t need a warning, thanks but no thanks OP.


Lol so basically BFA?

I think people want to try classic for a LACK of appreciation for BFA already, or sheer curiosity from never having the opportunity.

Ive played BFA (mythic raiding, arena, M+) and its just completely stale at this point. I have the classic beta, and I know exactly im missing by playing classic, but i also know its given me actual fun ive seemed to be missing over the course of this expansion.

I think what im asking is, who are these topics really for? Is it a recruitment to keep people from playing classic, or are you trying to convince yourselves BFA is a good expansion?

If BFA was a rockstar, many people might not be yearning for a change of pace. I never played private, and i was generally happy with retail. Losing my entire friends list, and seeing two of my guilds virtually quit wow due to lack of enjoyment, im not happy with the product.


Yeah. It blows my mind that people don’t realize that it’s because they couldn’t balance how strong hybrids would be with another 10 talent points. It’d be AR prep all over again. It’s no coincidence that cataclysm saw us locked into 1 tree until we spent 50 points.

Part of the downfall of wow is it’s success. Can you imagine having 110 talent points? What a balancing nightmare that would be.

That being said. They just had to continue to develop the trees further. Maybe cut talents off at 85 with Cata, and after 85 we prestige into a new form of growth.

Real shame they had to do away with them. Really gave a sense of progression and personality. Like this was your character, built the way you wanted him / her to be. Specializing in the things you picked.

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you meant DEVOLVED, right?

and i agree!

Isn’t that already a thing in the classic dungeons? Coulda sworn I heard them say something about it.

It would solve their biggest ticket issues from those dark days. Which was ninja looting and everyone rolling need on anything they could if given the chance. I lost count of how many groups broke up from a single person stealing loot, my fondest memory was seeing the epic dagger drop from ubers and watching a rogue lose it to a warrior.

What a time to be alive.


It wasn’t as big an issue as people make it out to be. I rarely ran into that kind of stuff, and I pugged a lot. Most issues came from rolling on tier 0 from other classes that were still usable, or hunters rolling on melee weapons when actual melee needed them more. But given the anti-ML people we see today, the concept of ‘degree of needing gear over others’ is a concept that hasn’t gotten any better, possibly even worse.

It seems like you’re the one confused. The main difficulty in raiding is getting a team together and meshing well during attempts, once you learn a fight it’s not very complicated on an individual level. With Classics lack of catch up like retail has this means those who progress through the raids are continually tested each time they go to the next raid. Getting to something like Naxx is quite the journey and that is what makes an mmo have impact rather than the modern theme park they have now.

People are too focused on specific details instead of considering the impact the journey has. Immersion and engaging progress is so much more important than having higher quality sections that get drowned out by bad surrounding designs and philosophies.