Classic approach to retail means dumbing down the game

The same people in Retail that will not want to carry you here are the same ones who will kick you from a raid for under performing.

This illusion of choice only exist while leveling. The gold sinks in Classic are brutal at end game and that is a very harsh reality that will set in.

There are no guild banks so it is going to be even worse.


I donā€™t think anyone has suggested that classic influencing retail design will be on a boss-mechanic level. This post is so off the mark that I think youā€™re just completely misunderstanding something fundamental somewhere.

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The leveling is genuinely better, but it becomes completely different at level cap.

Nothing to stop you from just leveling characters forever though.

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What I want to know is why are you spending time worrying about something that is not even out yet? Hmm?


I really donā€™t think we need to dumb the raids down in retail. I just want gear to mean something. I have an ilvl of 400 and I havenā€™t done any raiding beyond LFR and even there I did very little.

I just want the game to have more challenge in general, always have something to strive for and not make leveling meaningless. Vanilla at least understood the journey to max level was important. Give me THAT feeling again.


Thatā€™s the rpg player in you talking, sometimes we forget that WoW has turned into a lobby game.

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Okay? I donā€™t want to be carried in a raid anyway, now or in Classic. Thatā€™s completely understandable.

I like gold sinks.

Not really that big of a deal, either. I like that itā€™s important to spend time farming gold, I miss that in WoW. Now people just buy it with real money and the entire economy is completely screwed up because of it.


I am simply pointing out that getting gear in retail was dumbed down in favor of making boss fights more complicated.

Once the gear wall came down in Wrath people realized very quickly just how easy end game was in WoW so hardmodes were added and eventually heroic/mythic.

This idea that retail can somehow go backwards is just not a viable concept.

Mythic dungeons and raids might be hard in BFA but Iā€™ll never know because the rest of the content was so boring and easy I quit after hitting 120.

At least in Classic I will have fun for most of the game.


You canā€™t be that picky when you need forty people logged on at the same time. If anything, lesser skilled players had/will have that advantage in Classic.


Seriously. Iā€™m so tired of doing World Quests that Mythic raids and dungeons being super difficult doesnā€™t even matter, I canā€™t stand to play the game long enough to even get to that point anyway. Iā€™d rather spend days, weeks, months leveling characters, get to end game and be bored, than have 0 motivation to level or gear up my character because the process of doing it is just so awful, boring, and repetitive with no challenge whatsoever.


Why canā€™t the game go backwards? What sort of backwards do you mean? Removing mythic and making heroic more difficult? Removing LFR and Mythic and adding in hard-modes?

What does going backwards in your ā€œthis is a bad futureā€ mean? Why would they regress their progressive PvE fight design?

The gear wall has less to do with their boss design than class design does. IMO. Theyā€™re able to make bosses more difficult because class design has been simplified, not gear acquisition.

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Heā€™s just upset that there are no Blood Elf fem menā€¦


LOL /10 char


Yes there are.

Not playable in Classic. Not sure what discussion youā€™re followingā€¦


Iā€™m tired of thinking i need to go back to college to get an engineering degree to play a video game. I look forward to being back to classicā€¦ building my own character, my wayā€¦


You knowā€¦ considering how often itā€™s been touted that you only needed like 10 - 15 competent raiders in Vanilla and everyone else was basically a buff-bot or a targetā€¦ I wonder how long it will be before someone does the numbers to crunch the min-max of classes with modern sims and DPS meters to see just how few players you need to bring to a vanilla raid.

You got me, the wrong one obviously. Iā€™ll go sit back over there now.

You mean, like. how Ion and friends in elitist jerks (our current game dev Ion. same guy) was crushing onyxia with only 10 people?

So, yeah thatā€™s been done. No time at all Iā€™d imagine.

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