That’s not saying much when many refute it as well.
And if you profile check a lot of the negatives, turns out… they either don’t run m+ or their participation is very low.
3 antis that have replied to me here in this very thread trying to argue against it have either 0 m+ experience oooor have only done friend premades.
So this tells me the biggest antis are people that just parrot what other people say
Except by your stated criteria, the only way to know would be in a party with them and see how they perform. Making judgements based on things other than direct experience is invalid according to you.
But according to you, you need to experience things to judge. You are judging them without being in a party with them, so by your own criteria your judgement is invalid.
But how can you comment on their experience if you haven’t been with them? How do you not know if they have another character that they have done mythics on?
But you haven’t been in a group with them, you don’t know what they are like. Your own standard says you must experience things to be able to judge them.
Mythic progression is not. If they never got to the point of earning an achievement, then you have no way of knowing.
I just checked my own alt who never did Mythics their progression is greyed out. And other than the four TWW dungeons I’ve done on Mythic on this character, there is no evidence I’ve ever stepped foot into a mythic dungeon visible on that character. Plus, it’s possible to have multiple accounts - I do. Progression on this character is not reflected on that account.
It’s not a strawman when you’ve said that is the only way to have a valid judgement.
Ion doesn’t care what you say. He receives it via third (at best) hand information. He reacts to metrics relayed to him and those metrics are already second hand information. He tells you that perception matters but perception doesn’t actually come out to MAUs.
If you sub and play for 3-4 months in a season you’ve already done your part. If you afk while staying subbed you’re doing even more to pay my utilities.
I can stop my monthly while people pay my utilities with their annual subs. Kind of love it tbh.
Well we have achievs for mythics in general.
So if you’ve done the dungeons once, you’ll get that.
If you’ve done it nonce…
That’s why I said 0 times 0 is 0.
They are arguing that I wasn’t there, but that point doesn’t matter when they weren’t there either.
Tbh idk why they started this tangent when the whole point I was making was calling a thing toxic when you haven’t done it even once as a 0 is dishonest. You are just parroting what you’ve heard or read.
I can tell you right now brain surgery is the easiest form of surgery to perform. No I am not a brain surgeon, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
0s can be done several times without full comprehension of all of the mechanics if you aren’t working entirely on information fed to you from other sources.
People can easily hit a +5 key without actually knowing what is happening based on in-game information and telegraphed mechanics. One more step is a +7-+8 if things go right in their group in spite of them.
I’m sorry man but people have too little patience for what is a too easy system to fail upwards in. Gotta try better to lift people up instead of holding them down imo. This as players is our best option. Expecting Blizzard to gatekeep for us is not.
How does one lift others up when they’ve already made up their mind without ever experiencing a thing though?
Instead of “you’re right. I haven’t done a thing. I maybe should give it a try before knocking it completely”. You are met with nothing but push back for pointing out they haven’t done the thing.
Idk Im just tired of all the negativity. Instead of expressing concerns and potentially asking for help. Its just “nope thing bad. End of discussion”.
That may be true, but I wasn’t measuring it based on that.
It was whether the content was actually done or not.
Oh Ive seen this countless times this season.
I absolutely hate the new scaling due to how it lumps everyone together and the point of entry is basically nonexistent.
So new players get thrown right into the grinder in og +15s.