I have been playing hunter for nearly 18 years. Survival hunter feels awful. Too many buttons and the dps relies too heavily off wild fire proc. I personally, do not like these changes for mm hunter on the ptr. Removing pet is removing all the pets that we have had for as long as we have played. Like the bear I tamed in Dun Morogh that I’ve had since 06. I know some of you young wippersnappers may say, “but grandma it’s just pixels you can tame them again!” But it’s not about the pixels it’s about the memory tied to the pet that’s why we have kept those pets.
To me it’s a super dirty move by the devs. Feels like a low blow tbh. I read around did my research regarding everyone’s thoughts. I know there are some people who say they have played hunter out there and are fine with the changes. Yet, these people all have other class mains. They really do not care as much as hunter mains care. They really are pushing out the old player base entirely. Doing literally everything they can to.
I have played many of these classes for a very long time, the changes that were made drove so many players from the game. Warlock losing metamorphosis, hunters not having serpent sting as an ability but instead being baked into talents. There are so many changes all the time and so many abilities every year and a half. I can’t keep up It feels like I have to be a rocket scientist to play some of these classes well.
I am a challenger II on my warlock for ranked pvp. I do very well in battlegrounds but this isn’t fun. It isn’t fulfilling. The pvp has so many issues. They need to build through casual play again or else the pvp is going to flop entirely.
I haven’t touched mythic dungeons or mythic raids cause of the sweat lords that play meta comps.
Just take what I say with a grain of salt, don’t get offended or feel attacked if you feel differently. I know none of these changes will ever get changed for the better but I’m just saying my peace knowing at least I said my mind.
You’re not losing your pets as MM, you’re just losing the ability to go hunting with them as MM. Which, as far as I know, people didn’t do, because Lone Wolf is more powerful.
I do think that Blizz should add a talent to the MM tree that lets you have your pet out, but penalizes your stealth abilities and maybe some other ones. That way everyone can be as unhappy as they are now.
I feel the same way about the Hunter changes. To be honest, I’m probably going to just let my sub expire tomorrow. Not a single one of my friends is interested in giving the game another chance and TWW’s endgame has just become too toxic and too inaccessible. The overall direction of the WoW is just not for me anymore and I have no interest in playing the 20 year old version of the game either.
I think the best move is to switch to BM before you start to feel the pain in Season 2. I don’t think they are going back on this one. It becomes a “which has more value? The dps or the pet?” quandary. And if you come down on the side of your pet, Do what you can to preserve that connection and let the DPS sweatlords have this one.
They are obviously trying to push the lust classes to the top dps in raids, and the pet got in the way via the Lone Wolf debuff. There are ways around that by making LW baseline but they aren’t listening and don’t care. I’m getting around the change by making my current hunter BM and starting a new MM hunter on another realm. I would miss my cat too much.
They devs do this a lot. There was all this excitement around the frost DK rework six months ago then they nerfed the spec into the ground. Have barely played dk since. There’s an agenda around world first raiding where average players are left in the dust.
I think you mean that classes feel very changed from what they used to be, and that’s fair. But also, it’s a 20 year old game, times change. Classes change.
Posts like this are always comical because they are always made by people who don’t even do end game.
(Yes we can see you do not touch mythic, even 0s or raiding)
Both can be true, depending on the context - I haven’t read either, tbh.
One can be about the class being gutted of things that it had for years leaving it feel uncomfortably different. The other can just be about how there is too much mechanical busy-ness in the class as well.
I kind of destest how the game has devolved into either high APM melee/physical and slow casters. Why can’t we have low APM melee/physical, and high APM casters? Where are the melee casters, and more ranged physical DPS?