If you don’t do the content you probably shouldn’t comment on the content.
It still is. Nothing is holding anyone back but themselves.
If you don’t do the content you probably shouldn’t comment on the content.
It still is. Nothing is holding anyone back but themselves.
asking people not to feel attacked or take stuff personally on this forum is like stepping on a rattlesnake and expecting not to get bit. Sorry to hear you’re not having fun. Sounds like it may just be time to move onto a new game. I’m actually looking forward to the new marksman changes and I haven’t played warlock in years, but you inspired me to spark one up and see what happens.
Love the changes, going to roll marks now. Thanks Blizz.
My frost mage still misses their water elemental.
Not the same I know as I didn’t tame it, but still.
I really don’t think identity is that big of an issue when it comes to MM specifically. There’s nothing incompatible about the options of with pets or without. We’ve had the option for half the game’s life. It’s you, the marksman, shooting safely from range while the enemy is distracted. Either by your animal friend or the tank of your group. The problem has been with the utility tied to certain pets. Which is easily solved by putting that utility straight onto the hunter. Something they’re literally doing with this rework anyway. But the fantasy of someone hunting with a pet companion obviously isn’t weird even to blizzard, as that’s what they’re still going with in this new build. Just with no choice about the pet, and a pet that’s not actually useful at keeping the enemy away from you. Meanwhile the people who actually like the “lone wolf” idea also lose their fantasy.
And aside from anything, this new design for MM is just terrible. Longer cast time on aimed shot, 2 seconds extra between auto shots, no barrage, no wailing arrow, and a crappier version of trueshot. It’s so bad.
A lot of people play MM with a pet and prefer to sacrifice a little DPS to have their pet out when not in a dungeon. If that weren’t the case there wouldn’t be so much negative feedback over it.
There really isn’t though. Its the same handful of people spamming any mm thread that pops up.
And most of the negative feedback over the changes is regarding the eagle period, not the removal of pets.
People either want a choice of pet or nothing at all, not a weird middle ground no one asked for.
Having that kick is too to pass up as a lock imo
I’m still mad Disc Priest was changed back in DF S3. It had throughput issues and instead of tweaking the numbers they overhauled it. My favorite spec went from appropriately complex to way too easy.
Then again I suppose at least one healer spec is supposed to be easy though isn’t that supposed to be Holy Priest? Wasn’t Disc meant to be technical?
TWW’s changes to Holy Pally also ruined the spec for me. I was grateful in the short term but all it needed was throughput changes. Instead they removed core features and overbalanced the spec right into TWW A/B Tier.
Just curious, what turns you off about BM?
You’re telling me that you play MM Hunter with pets? It’s been designed as a ‘no pet’ class since BFA at least. You still get your pets, just with the other specs instead, you aren’t losing anything
And an even smaller group doing the same thing in favour.
That’s dishonest and we both know this.
You don’t need to tame it again, it will be in your stables waiting for you when you change specs.
Utility>minmaxing DPS. If you’re out questing, or delving, or farming or doing anything other than high end group content, a pet is far far more useful than an extra 5% DPS. It ccs mobs. It’s distracts mobs while you run by, it gathers mobs into a group for easy AOE, it fetches hard to reach loot, it keeps mobs positioned to avoid other patching mobs, or mob AOE, it stops you from having to slow and kite and trap and disengage to avoid face tanking. Pets allow you to play surgically. If people arent running pets as MM because lol moar deeps they are missing a hugely valuable, distinct, and effective part of the class playstyle for the vast majority of content out there.
The number people people supporting the change is limited to minmaxing endgame content leet deeps try hards and people who think “pet management” is hard. Most people who pick and play hunter didnt pick it because they wanted a meta class, and enjoy the utility of pet management. You are delusional if you think more hunters want no pet than those that do. That’s absurd.
Mythics and raiding isn’t endgame for everyone. A lot of people have a different way of playing so endgame means something different to them than it would to you.
Maybe there can be a rune for a cosmetic pet from your stable. “Rune of the Boon Companion” that lets you summon a pet that doesn’t add or reduce any combat value.
You ain’t gonna use every last one of em at least.
Obviously everyones endgame is different, but their intent was inferred.
I doubt they meant world content or delves or pet battles.
Which leaves us pvp, raiding, and m+.
And they said as much in a later post.
I don’t know why you are trying to argue in their defense. They complained about a store they don’t even shop at.
You are delusional to think that the majority are upset over this.
Lack of posts period and the same handful of people complaining tell the story.
When the majority are unhappy with something, they literally spam the forums.
Idk how many times I’ve referenced this… but here we go again.
Arakara sacbrood. People complained about people dining and dashing. Blizz put in harsher penalities for leaving dungeons within the first few weeks of the xpac to stop this.
Tww prepatch. People complained about the time frame. Lack of stuff. Bad currency gains. Blizz fixed this in the same week.
Df wq. People complained about dailies being changed to twice a weeklies. Blizz reverted it. People complained again, even more than before. So much so they reverted that change almost the next day. And we’ve had twice a weeklies since.
Just 3 off the top of my head that were points of friction so much so that the majority made their presence known. Complained. And blizz made changes within days of the blow ups.
This issue isn’t even remotely close and if you think it is. You aren’t paying attention.