Classes gutted

This based on the arguments from both sides would basically solve the problem for the vast majority of ‘issues raised’.

You are asking me how many actions I take in a game that isn’t about inputting an action. Your trying to compare two things that are in no way related.

Calling out your poor comparison isn’t rude, it’s calling out your attempt to trap someone. You want to get technical let’s get technical.

In DND you can take 1 action per a round, along side a bonus action, movement, free action, and reaction. Assuming you have opportunity that is 5 “actions” in one round. A 10 rounds is typically 1 minute meaning that doing all the division your character takes about 1 action every second. Some dms alter that time, so it is objective on how long that is.

So yeah, if you want slow gameplay DnD is right over there. Have fun, DnD is great. I’ll still be playing wow and enjoying my button mashing fury warrior.

Want slow wow gameplay, classic is right over there. Enjoy yourself.


We def needed another thread by someone who doesn’t play Hunter.

I can’t find an updated APM ranking but arms in DF was 60 APM. Does it play slower now than it did then?

Dice are not actions. In D&D, you have 1 action per six seconds. Otherwise, I agree - the two are not remotely comparable.

It’s just wild people literally don’t care and make unfound claims about stuff.

Like at least do the thing ONE TIME before you completely write it off and lie.

Like that dude hasnt done even a 0 in at least 2 years. Doesn’t raid outside of lfr and apparently the end game content is “toxic”. Like huh?
Most people don’t even talk in keys or heroic raid lol. You show up. Do the thing. Maybe they’ll make a callout or place markers, but otherwise, silence. Get in and get it done and peace out.

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Who is that?

Warlock losing Meta was no great loss as it returned Demo back to the ranged-attack it was always meant to be.
Besides, anyone who wanted Meta could play it improved as a DH.

Have you considered the reasons someone might not want to touch M+ or raiding? I’ve dabbled in just about every MMO on the market (some of which are no longer on the market) and WoW is easily one of the least accessible. Some may not be old enough to know this, but the only reason WoW had any popularity at all in the early 2000s was because it was the most accessible and streamlined MMO available at the time.

So yes, I come back for a month to check out the anniversary event, farm out the fomo transmogs, take a look at the current state of endgame and the overall direction the game appears to be going and my response is a resounding, “No thank you.” I want a game I can just play. No add-ons, no job application simulator group finder, no third-party websites.


Been playing this hunter as my main since 05 and I think the change to mm is a good idea.


Have you considered you can’t label a thing without actually using a thing?

You can share your opinions, sure. But calling something “toxic” without setting foot in it is just flat lying.

Cool. You can play the game without any of that. :+1:
WoW has a built in io system now so you don’t need anything third party if you don’t want it.
So again, don’t bash a thing until you try it or at least know what you are talking about.

Because when you say stuff like the below. You are claiming it as a fact when in reality, you have ZERO idea of the environment.

Because the reality is, the end game is even more accessible than ever before. Gearing is super easy. LFG exists so you can literally pug yourself into a raid. You can run a mythic 0 for a key and run it up to your hearts content.
Finding new friends that do that content of course make it astronomically easier. But still. You base your statement off of nothing but maybe what you’ve read.

Take it from someone who does run keys and raids every season and has for 15 years.


Not even one slap in the face?

I am very disappointed in all of you. For shame… shaaaammmeee.


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I got you.


I’ve made an attempt to get into M+ in every expansion save for this one. And judging by your posts, it’s pretty clear that the community has only gotten worse over time. Or rather, anyone who doesn’t want to deal the wild elitism has either gone back to Classic or moved on to other games.


A pet to tank is good for world stuff. A pet for eyes of the beast is good for shenanigans. A pet is cool for pvp, you can have it sit on a flag with traps. I’m sure people will adjust but it seems a bit extreme.

I hope wailing arrow goes somewhere because the animation they added recently is cool.


Because someone is calling you out on your crap?

How about don’t be toxic yourself. Login go through lfg. Be nice. Talk in chat. Make some friends and just do the content lol.

If you had actually participated, you’d see the vast majority of groups either don’t talk or if you engage them. They actually talk and you have insanely silly moments.
I’ve met several best friends through m+, no :poop: got a girlfriend from a raid in SL, met countless cool people over the years. The big thing is to actually engage with people vs be a negative nancy bump on a log.

“Elitism” is made up for people to cope with either not being invited, not performing at the level they should be in content they are trying to join, and/or had a bad experience and blanket applied it to the game.

People also call it “elitism” when people invite someone with a higher ilvl or more experience. It’s just such an over used buzzword that’s lost all meaning.


Huh? What WF procs? We don’t depend on WF procs at all. SV hunter has received positive change in TWW. You are not anymore forced in mongoose spam rotation. Right now you utilize your toolkit and its not complicated. I mean that’s my opinion. I love SV and since the rework in legion it’s the most entertaining spec to play.

I don’t know how does SV performs in PvP

This might be a bit of a side rant about Hunters.

The Hunter class in Vanilla is far better at thematic immersion. You used to have a quiver and you had to buy or craft arrows/shot. You had to feed your pet and the taming process was much more involved, as well as the pet ability learning process.

I’m not exactly for bringing back arrows/shot, but I think there’s more Blizzard can do to make Hunters feel more like Hunters again.

That all being said, I think Blizzard has issues with the modern Hunter identity. I don’t think they know if Hunters should be snipers, medieval-archers, pet trainers or a combination of everything wrapped up in a messy xmas package.

I think Hunter is a class that suffers from wanting to do too much identity wise, while simultaneously not being able to sacrifice any of its current identity without offending the playerbase.

I’d suggest they get a 4th spec that can bridge some of the stranger Hunter themed ideas, but why? You don’t solve the issues of the base kit, you just introduce another convoluted spec with identity problems.


NGL, I’d be thrilled if Blizzard decided to buff GoSac to the high heavens and actually give it gameplay interactions for Destro/Aff.

My pet basically doesn’t exist until I need it to interrupt and it’s slightly out of range.

Because it seems like you’re just disregarding the opinions and experiences of anyone who differs from your own.

See the above response. Or don’t, I’m gone in less than 12 hours either way. :grin:


Where have I disregarded an opinion?
I merely called you out on your obvious lie and lack of knowledge of running the content you are claiming is toxic.

I didn’t mock your reason for leaving or anything.

So you posted just to flame content you haven’t done, don’t plan to do just to :poop: post?
