Classes and Item Tuning Incoming - May 3

There’s a lot of bad “fixes” in these updates, and they haven’t explained why.

I would love to see them explain the Blood DK two piece nerf.

Wait…I’ve got it. Ion’s guild is doing mythics now and they need these changes to compete right? You guys seem to make weird as hell changes in line with Elitist Jerk mythic raiding every tier.

They seems to be up to Mythic Anduin at this point…

Yeah, that’s everybody right now. They’re beyond all other specs by leagues.

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DH still loses to Warriors, DKs, Ret, SP, WW, Sub, Mage etc. It’s down bad and the only thing propping Havoc up is the Xymox trinket, without it DH falls below almost every spec in the entire game for M+.

First Time?

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It’s not just 0.17 secs. Now we can increase the duration of DRW by at most 1s every GCD instead of 1.5s. Since the non-hasted GCD is 1.5s, with this change we require a LOT more haste than before to keep a good uptime of DRW. Even with the cap of 100% haste we won’t be able to keep DRW up nearly as much as before.

Probably in 10.0

1> A tuning pass like this is NECESSARY and welcome! But in the same breath …

2> When Arms is underperforming by (sic) 30%+, and you buff 4%, it’s hard to take this tuning pass seriously.

2a> To further this issue, Arms does “bad” AoE, but absolutely “TERRRRRIIBBBLLEEE” ST. So giving an across-the-board 4% buff already PROVES this buff was done without any sort of attention to detail.

The buff for Arms should have been 15%, and then JUST the ability Slam should have had its damage increased 150%. Because Slam is ONLY used in ST, and its damage is currently, well, nothing.

Those two things would bring Arms from dead last to a solid middle. But the focus on WHAT IS ACTUALLY WRONG with the spec is the kind of attention to detail these tuning passes need to demonstrate.

That was clearly not shown with this update.

With this change you are nerfing survivability which is exactly what we DON"T want to happen!

If you are after the damage, then you can alter the strength gain from the 4 set (because at 75 stacks you are doing 75% extra damage). here are some ideas:

  • you could make each stack gives you 0.5% strength or,
  • make the stacks give static strength instead of a % so like 5 str or 10 / stack or,
  • reduce the caps to like 10 or 25 or,
  • make the 2nd rune weapon do only 25% of our damage

Remember when you nerfed Guardian druid damage from the 4 set without affecting the duration of berserk or incarnation? this is the exact same situation except the extra damage comes from the str buff. Why do BDK have to take a double nerf for the exact same problem. Please reconsider this nerf

Best regards


With this change you are nerfing survivability which is exactly what we DON"T want to happen!

If you are after the damage, then you can alter the strength gain from the 4 set (because at 75 stacks you are doing 75% extra damage). here are some ideas:

  1. you could make each stack gives you 0.5% strength or,
  2. make the stacks give static strength instead of a % so like 5 str or 10 / stack or,
  3. reduce the caps to like 10 or 25 or,
  4. make the 2nd rune weapon do only 25% of our damage

Remember when you nerfed Guardian druid damage from the 4 set without affecting the duration of berserk or incarnation? this is the exact same situation except the extra damage comes from the str buff. Why do BDK have to take a double nerf for the exact same problem. Please reconsider this nerf

Best regards


Ok. Now undo the blood dk nerf and instead buff other tanks.


Not dead last. BM hunter got that covered by a wide margin. I’ve been benched out from raiding because BM hunter main.

nothing for frost mage?

why am i not surprised.
good thing i already started rerolling :slight_smile:

yo blizz! you’re out-of-touch.

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ww only needed single target help and outlaw needed so much more than a flat 3% lol

i dont know what theyre doing.

rolling dices maybe


Remove the str stacks from the set, but dont reduce the stack duration. Come on.


You’re killing blood and not even doing anything about destro/surv being in every high end m+ team?


And yet, in our last raid when I parsed 81 on Xymox, I did 10.3k.

The BM Hunter in our raid parsed 77, and did 14k.

You’ve become a meme for your endless posts about BM and, while it may need a buff (my facts don’t show that, but ignore that), it seems obvious a lot of your problems are “you” problems.

I hope the affliction buffs are PVE only like BM ones. Right now affliction is insanely strong with how drain life can’t be los’d.

But most importantly, where is the healing tuning? Holy priest is just soo much better, why not buff disc priest and MW’er for 5 man PVE content?

I’m really sad that disc priest is not getting buffed for m+, when its such an easy fix.

Lazy players UNITE!

I don’t envy the devs the job of balancing specs, but man is this low effort.


exactly. there were a couple fights in SoD where there was nothing to do but spam SWP for 5-6 seconds at a time because you couldn’t finish a single cast before you had to move again. it’s a big part of why i haven’t bothered raiding this tier. i don’t want patchwerk bosses either, but there’s a middle ground that seems to have largely vanished from encounter design.

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