I would like templates back

I found it much more fun in casual PvP when templates were a thing. It’s really hard for me to get back into PvP when i’m seeing people with 350k+ HP running around. Even as a character with 430 ilevel.


I agree with this. PvP was so much fun in Legion and it’s gone :frowning:

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Templates were much better for casual PVP because it let casual players still be competitive even if they didn’t have the time or desire to push rating or high-end PVE for gear. The downside was that you had no choice in you stat allocation, which felt very stifling and needlessly restrictive.

I say bring back the scaling of templates, keeping players within a tight margin of power, but let the players retain the stat priorities from their current gear, giving the player more agency in how their character plays.


I like that.

I am all for whatever increases pvp participation

I’ll excel no matter what

In this system what reward’s are in place?

Would there be op specs casuals would cry about?

It’s a mixed bag. MMORPGs are generally about gear progression and getting stronger over time. So having everyone be the same feels unfair to the people that worked hard to get the best gear. While on the other hand the people that just started gearing will complain that they get rolled over and that they will never get geared cause they are useless, etc.

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As long as they don’t disable all the toys and stuff like they did in legion then fine it can come back if they dont then no


I vote no to templates.


Oh I fully agree. I don’t insist that we do away with the entire progression involved. I’m moreso just hoping that there’s a metric that allows newcomers and casuals (bg-wise, maybe skirmishes?) to be on par and allow skill to be in place. Meanwhile the more rated arenas and battlegrounds will remain static; the same.

You still have rated and world pvp for that. If roflstomping the disadvantaged means that much to some, they can always go one-shot cows in Elwyn Forest.

Keep in mind though that even with the scaling there is still a gap between the geared and undergeared. It’s just that the gap is drastically reduced to help minimize the possibility of the lopsided beatdowns that come with having so much ilvl progress crammed into level cap.

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Loved templates. Would love them more if players could:

Equipping upgrades felt good because my character still became better for it in some small way, but I knew I could always compete after a break from the game or on alts.

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Dear god no. Templates made me want to not PvP.


God please yes!

Playing alts was fun. I’m sick to death of my druid and shaman, but of course they are the only ones with high level HoA and essences.

Not a fan of templates, can’t customize your stats. Any solid 430 can whoop on people and it’s fairly simple to get gear.

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yea legion templates were pretty fun id like to see it return and just have pvp cosmetics as rewards.

Simple solution.

What’s the point of playing a progression rpg with templates. Might as well play GW2


Where is the RPG in PvP competition?

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In GW2 they have templates and it stinks as a feeling for customization. I honestly cannot find a reason for a template usage other than pve people who run in trying to pvp or a newcomer that gets crushed. The decrease in power is still implemented between 2 large disparities from what I understand so that is the middle ground brother.

If it was a choice you could toggle on then sure for those who want it or feel uncomfortable running into the frey. Restricting everyone to it because some find it useful is poopy.


Good news, that’s how it works right now.

PvP scaling is a thing, look it up.

You basically have this already, PvP scaling, like templates, closes the gear gap by quite a bit, making gear not nearly as imortant (in case you don’t remember, templates didn’t put everyone on a level playing field either, people with higher Ilvl had a flat% buff to all their stats and damage that scaled dependent on how high they were above the “base” of the template)