Classes and Item Tuning Incoming - May 3

A damage increases for any spec under like 8% should not even be posted and just done as it creates FAR more anger than happiness to see a 4% dmg buff… in my opinion.

I agree, should also be the same for nerfs.

Just quietly nerf people, they’ll never notice. :slightly_smiling_face:

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This needs to offset in PvP.


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That is what they should have tried with the stat templates as it was clear they had no idea what stats the specs required in pvp. But it’s just simpler to let people build their stats from gear.

Have you actually played Outlaw?

Outlaw is the most OP spec in 2v2 and quite balanced in 3v3 considering it’s amount of control and survivbility.

Specs do NOT need to be good at everything. : )

Play it and you’ll see just how much work goes into putting out good damage. Glass cannons are supposed to be fragile btw.

lol, okay you’ve never played a rogue :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Are the changes to blood dk intended to nerf their survivability (and fun) as well as their damage? Why are they being changed 2 months into the patch? Why would you nerf a class in a way that disproportionately hurts worse players? The set bonus strength is an obvious tuning knob to turn that is a much more precise and less noticeable nerf that will be more fun for all players. I agree that blood dk is too strong, but I don’t think that this is the proper way to nerf a class that hasn’t been strong the entire expansion.


It has been my main for several expacs. If you played one, you’d know that it requires a ton of uptime to put out good damage. And it is incredibly hit and miss with the rolls. The toolkit has the mobility because it requires high uptime. There’s no dots to throw up and hide behind pillars.

You aren’t supposed to be able to survive everyone. :slight_smile:

Don’t do this Blizzard, I get that we are strong but don’t nerf the most fun playstyle we have had in years. Please revert this and make the nerf to anything other than DRW uptime, that is what has mad BDK so fun this patch.


lol u say knob :flushed:

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The spec is dead, LITTLE MORE, PLS?


i wish devs play affliction, the spec is dead and a 4% buff doesnt change that all, the tier set bonus is trash.


4% to affliction literally does nothing
realistically it needs 12%…

Giving some of these super weak/underperforming specs a 5% buff and calling it a day seems a bit out of touch. Realistically won’t make any difference.

you need to multiply that for 3 because the 4-p gives another sword in DRW besides currently you are able to keep 100% uptime in DRW as long you have runes to spend but with this change global cd will be bigger than the bonus duration you get from using heartstrike so you will lose DRW even if you have runes to spend this essentially is huge nerf for bdk in raid and dgs.

Outlaw begging for it to be 5%.
3% to Outlaw is like spitting in a dehydrated persons mouth and asking them to thank you.
At least give them that warm bottle of water that’s been in your car door for 2 weeks.

Especially when you’re the one that dropped them off in the middle of a desert.

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I’m not looking at sim im looking at logs

no balance druid buffs?