Classes and Item Tuning Incoming - May 3

Skill issue. Giga skill issue in the case of M+.



For those calling for major redesigns in the middle of 9.2, for any class, it ain’t happenin’.

Other than that, most of the complaints look like general “I play XX, so buff XX and nerf everyone else.” This is the same general thing we go through every patch of every expansion – and that means it may be a legit complaint, but it’s nothing new and is something that needs to be brought up in feedback for the next expansion.

Furthermore, every spec can do high keys already. The makeup of MDI teams shouldn’t affect what the rest of us do. That’s like looking at the NFL, noticing that all wide receivers are expected to run 4.5 or better in the forty, and then saying you feel you can’t play flag football at the YMCA because you don’t run a 4.5, too.

Since a lot of these complaints are connected in some way to covenants, those are gone with 10.0 so we won’t have that to worry about anymore. A big chunk of the rest relates to tier sets, but tier sets are always supposed to be a little OP anyway – that’s what makes them special and interesting to chase – and if anything, the player base now believes everyone should get a tier set with minimal effort. In turn, this has ceased to become a gear or systems issue and is now an expectations issue.

The only specs I see right now that border on “don’t bring me” are BM hunters on Fortified weeks, and Disc priests during multiple affix combinations. And yet I still see people make them work.

Back to the NFL thing, in regards to MDI: At the NFL level, all receivers DO have to run 4.5 or better at that level. So if MDI demands a certain comp, that just is what it is.

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BM’s AoE has been bad for all of Shadowlands and there’s really nothing to fix that outside of a rework that can only really happen with DragonFlight.

But at least, the spec was competitive when it came to ST for the previous tiers so it still had reasons to be played. This is currently not the case anymore because of how weak the tier bonus is so it now struggles in all aspects. And it’s certainly not a 4% aura buff (that isn’t even a 4% buff because these don’t affect things like auto attack) that will change the situation.

It would be great if you could look into reverting the BM 4 piece to a 100% increase to Cobra Shot, like it was on the PTR. This would at least give hunters one good ST option as all 3 specs are currently mediocre at it, while the other 2 can remain focused on AoE.

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Ah, Fury, the melee spec that gets 3k io for free this tier. A trinket doing 30% of my damage isn’t a skill issue my guy.

Without Cache DH is worthless in keys and even with it, it’s maybe a 2k dps increase overall. It still loses to any half decent warlock/hunter.

Blizz did DH dirty this tier and anyone who disagrees is completely cooked.

Boomkin tears continue. :frowning:

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Endless Rune Waltz…

This is the second time you have “adjusted” the set. Last time it was a “fix” This time it is a nurf. The name is ironic and the change goes against the proposed concept.


Surely you can come up with a better nerf for blood DK then just making it less fun. Perhaps just reduce numbers on rune wep ? Rather then the whole tier set!


did you not know what you were signing up for when you chose this class? KEKW

Then you playing wrong. My hunter (BM) loses to my friend’s DH by a wide margin ib m+

Screw it, they are already doing 50+ point talent trees with all our class abilities, why not just do PvP profiles where you can allocate stat distribution. Like we just have the option to say “ok I want my allocation to be 40% haste, 30% vers, 15% crit, 15% mastery” or something and it just distributes accordingly.

To be fair BM is significantly behind most classes. DH is nothing compared to Survival or MM in M+. It’s quite easy for each of those specs to pull over 60k on trash due to their tier sets.

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what in the hell is this? lol

You knew what you signed up for.


I actually think that, given this is a huge DPS (more than 20%) and defensive nerf that also makes the gear we have farmed/upgraded less valuable, this will actually be the largest mid tier nerf a class has ever received in the history of modern wow.


That’s bait. BM is literally a ST spec right now.


I’m with most of the people here, removing the root portion of this from the trinket actually buffs it. Root should be another thing good players can use to manipulate the buff off (warrior charge, feral instant roots, WW double slow root, etc.)

The duration of the buff isn’t the issue either, it’s the frequency and the fact that it promotes degenerate gameplay from casters who no longer need to fake cast to juke kicks. Being able to be interrupted is part of the trade off for ranged damage that ignores armor, and adding this trinket has removed that dichotomy from PvP.

Changing it from a 15 second duration to 12 seconds is entirely missing what makes this trinket broken in the first place. This needs to be addressed with a 30-45 seconds internal cooldown. At that frequency it’s still 2-3 times more CC’s removed then using standard trinket and still covers cast immunity.

No nerf to Enh Shaman.

Life is good. :popcorn:

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The Outlaw buff is frankly insulting. The tier bugs have yet to be fixed, the hook bug is still there, and BF is capped while nearly every other spec enjoys a larger damage footprint in AoE.
At the surface 3% looks bad, but it is actually worse since it mentions abilities. Melee isn’t an ability, it just is. So unless they’re planning to tweak that too then the buff is around half of what is advertised.
In the end this is a token “here, have some damage” without any real thought behind the numbers. Planning numbers around getting five buffs in RtB is likely what they’re doing when predominantly we’re typically running one and sometimes two buffs. It would be nice if the class dev for Rogues would do like an AMA or something but that’ll never happen due to the incredible firestorm it would bring about.

Some of these changes are just downright bizarre and/or insulting.

Can you please explain the rationale behind these changes.

Doesnt this just remove a huge way people were handling the trinket? seems kinda like a bad fix

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