Class Tuning Incoming with Embers of Neltharion Patch

Actually kind of scared about these carrying over into PvP. Maybe it’s fine because crits nerfs.

I’d just like for eye beam and meta to not disconnect me. :cry:

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Um. I think you’re missing something in this section… unless you really are trying to get everyone to reroll Ret.


I also want to give some feedback on the impact the Ret rework had in pvp being released 75% of the way through a patch has been profound. Ret is very unfun to play against and they are so powerful they are in nearly every match even after multiple nerfs. They have a huge kit and are normally top damage every game. Blessing of Sanctuary, Sacrifice, Protection, Freedom, Lay on Hands, Shield of Venge, 1 minute burst CDs, Instant cast heals. That is a ton of utility to the point where it feels oppressive and counters quite a few classes. I think it could be fixed if Ret did not have 1 minute wings and if crusade was a bit weaker. But the fact that they are essentially a 2nd healer while also being the highest single target melee damage every game is very difficult to deal with. Not to mention that when they were released we had 6 weeks left in the season. They dominated the ladder for 3 weeks and hard countered nearly every spec in the game. Then got nerfed to a more bare able position with 3 weeks left in the season. That is a really bad look for the community and I’m sure you have seen the complaints about that. I get Ret could use help in PVE but in PVP they were still pretty solid. It would have been nice if the rework was held off and maybe tested for 6 more weeks till 10.1 dropped as to not just throw a curveball into season 1. That or hotfixes should have come faster. I understand data has to be collect but like…it was obvious that something had to be done. Again being released that late in a season when people are trying to finish pushes or get rank 1 just ruins player moral

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WTF are these buffs to classes that dont need it? Buffing DH the top performing melee spec in M+? AND buffing rogues and warriors that are doing perfectly fine in everything? Yikes this tunning is worse than no tunning at all like previous xpacs.


Can you stop being clueless about warlocks lmao


This all looks good EXCEPT that Marksman Hunter is still suffering a bug with Aimed Shot resulting in only 5% bonus damage when the tooltip says 50% for targets at high-health, as reported HERE. When is that fix coming?

Edit: In retrospect none of these nerfs seem particularly good given the 25% nerf to all healers with an accompanying 25% buff to player health and enemy damage (net zero change to time-to-react to incoming damage, which was the stated goal and is not achieved).

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what exactly looks good here ? :smiley:


Duly noted… edit made. >.<

That’s the majority of classes.

BM is a single target focused spec. Idk why you guys keep thinking BM is supposed to have strong aoe.

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Excellent changes, but PLEASE consider looking at active healer single target damage. Right now resto shamans are doing 2-3x the active single target damage (50k+ st) of holy paladins (20k+ st) which is causing a major issue for healer viability in competitive M+ which will only expand and get worse this season if left unchecked.

To give some example solutions, you could buff other healers active ST damage (for hpal you could buff Holy Shock dam and make SotR proc awakening) or nerf Rahamans active ST damage (lava burst)


It’s insane to me that we’re pretending it’s okay for Survival to get nerfed repeatedly throughout the PTR process while being the lowest performing and lowest played spec, meanwhile Retribution has remained broken and completely out of control for weeks now across all forms of content in the game and the most of the nerfs we’ve seen has been a measly 3% damage decrease. The class favoritism from devs needs to stop, preferably sooner rather than later. I can’t comprehend why y’all want us to hold hands and sing kumbaya around Tirion’s grave the whole patch.

And as for constructive criticism, I think it’s pertinent that if you plan to nerf the lowest performing and lowest played spec in your video game, you need to post a damn good explanation for why you’re doing that to go along with the post because as far as the rest of us can tell, it’s not adding up.


Survival isn’t the lowest performing spec, though. In fact it’s at or near the top on many raid encounters, for boss damage (which is what matters).

Just from the past week, SV is:
5th on Raz
5th on Broodkeeper (BM is 1st)
1st on Dathea (BM is 3rd)


Its not just blizzard. The rest of us hate them too


But we’re talking about 10.1, the nerf was to their 10.1 tier set. That obviously has nothing to do with the current raid tier and the changes the spec has received on the 10.1 PTR which is what my post is about has nothing to do with the current raid which is what you’re referencing.


Then why is this guy posting about

When 10.1 isn’t even out yet?



Ahhh so because you made the raid mostly single target and now have to buff all the aoe strong classes to have great single target. But all the classes with good single target and crap aoe in mythic plus are gonna continue to suck even worse cause now the aoe classes will have the best single target too…geniuses 200 iq


Oh, GOOD. I can knock off a point in wildefire bomb cooldown. get an extra point :>

Blizzard can you please just either baseline Tyrant or remove it.
Tired of doing this dance with you where Tyrant is forced upon us… then nerfed. Then forced upon us… then nerfed.

Also lol Ele shaman tier set nerf. I was really considering rerolling to Ele shaman but this is surely a bad omen. A sign not to.

It’s also important to look at the parse count.
67 parses.

The people playing it are either really good at the spec and love it, or just have BIS gear so they’re forced into it.

Sure. But there’s also constant bellyaching from Hunters that BM is terrible, and BM is just as good (or better) than SV.

I think, at this point, the constant unfounded complaints from Hunters are just being (correctly) ignored by everyone. Including Blizzard.