Class Tuning Incoming with Embers of Neltharion Patch

Oh, I won’t argue with you there.
The BM Hunter community is one of the biggest cry baby communities out there.

They want to play a spec where an AI pet does 90% of the work and where they sit at the top of the charts.


To be fair, literally nobody has confirmation of what BM is supposed to be as Blizzard has never communicated about this point in any expansion including during DF beta. If your argument were valid, the last few nerfs wouldn’t have targeted both single target AND aoe. BM is now has a niche for nothing.

It has no burst to speak of (yeah, try using those cooldowns for burst LOL). Its aoe was already so bad even in keys that BM was ranked F class (right next to survival – the only two specs in that grade) before the bow nerfs, buffs, and before it got nerfed each time the nerfs came down for single target. The ONLY competing area to be had WAS single target and that’s gone.

So, remind me again which area of dps was it supposed to be good at again? Yeah, I’ll wait.

Accidentally somehow posted on a toon on classic? Eh… Anyway, fixed. :slight_smile:

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a nerf to both protection and elemental. no buff to hunter

i just dont have it in me to care anymore. maybe i just skip this season.

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You guys just hate survival don’t you?

I honestly don’t understand how someone can look at logs and think BM is strong. It is above average in two fights, which are basically pure single target (ignoring the couple of spiders on Sennarth). In every other fight, you will see BM in the bottom five specs. People like to bring up damage done to the boss to say it’s still strong in other fights, but why exactly? Are ads on boss fights usually to be ignored? It’s just that basically every BM hunter has to ignore ads because there is no point in targeting them in the first place. It’s like saying WW is strong because they have somewhat strong AOE, but their ST is lacking, just don’t focus on the boss.

BM is below average in M+. I don’t think the defensives are that bad as people make them out to be. When utilizing the most of your kit, you can actually get away with a lot. M+'s biggest weakness is the fact that BM just doesn’t do a lot in pulls between 2-8 mobs, which is almost all high m+ pulls.

Both things result from the same problem, that BM’s talents are just messed up. There are two viable builds for BM. Number one is pure single target, which allows you to deal strong ST. Number two is cleave-oriented, where you will lose around most of your ST but gain weak cleave.

I don’t know a single class that loses literally all of its AOE in an ST build or vice versa.

BM doesn’t need buffs or nerfs; it needs talent rework.

No clue about the state of pvp so i ignored adressing it.

TL;DR: BM needs fixing.


The confirmation is in the tooltips. If you actually read the talents you would see that the spec is based around pet interactions and pets can only attack a single target.

Do you even play a hunter?

It’s a sustained dps spec. It’s not going to have major burst like arcane or fire mages.

Again BM is a single target spec.

The nerfs were needed based on how much BM ST boss damage was.

ST. BM is still very viable in this regard.

Because while we don’t need help in AoE, we need help in ST. Guess what most of the new raid is? It’s single target.

If it makes you feel better, our S2 tier is so bad they’re nerfing our S1 tier to make the new one look better, making sure we don’t keep using the old gear.

These changes to the Elemental Tier set are understandable because realistically the tier was extremely strong and a class shouldn’t be tuned around its tier set and instead its base damage. A tier set shouldn’t define its competitiveness in the game in any way.

The issue I think, as well as many others I am sure, that come with this change is that it is a really late adjustment. How are you going to get the data you need now to see how the class is performing in comparison to others? How quickly are you going to be able to see how this effects the class and make compensatory changes. Because from what the community is seeing, this is a 6-10% nerf depending on how geared the character template is. This tier set also pushed players to want to play talent builds that they didn’t desire to just because of how much they outperformed other builds. This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed sooner than later.

We need more responsible tuning at a more responsible time to patch release.


Looking at the past week ONLY, BM is:
8th on Raz
1st on Broodkeeper
9th on Grimtotem
2nd on Dathea
3rd on Sennarth
6th on Terros
9th on Eranog

The only fight where it’s bottom 5 is Council.

By actually looking at the logs. That’s how.


And most of the fights in the new raid are ST…atleast that’s what everyone says.

Buff unholy DK.

I wish more people could do this.


They could they just don’t.

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Be careful what you wish for, they’re more likely to just nerf VotI set rather than buff the new set.

And when is vengeance demon hunter specs going to be looked at? It is performing significantly lower compared to prot paladin and warrior tank based on data.

One of the most braindead specs in the game? ofc it’s strong

Sorry hunters your zug zug will require one extra button in your rotation, you know 3, as opposed to 2

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WFB was going to do acceptable ST dmg, so the Fun Police got involved.

Since there’s no emoji or anything to indicate sarcasm, I have to assume you’re serious.

And while I’m certainly not going to turn down ANY buffs, don’t mistake this for what it’s not.

It’s not a 12% buff.

It’s a 12 buff to auto-attack dmg. Which… isn’t much of anything.

My last Raza kill, I had a 95 parse … and my auto attack damage was 4.7%.

This “buff” would amount to 5.2% damage instead. Or a half a percent in overall damage, just to auto-attack. Did we even need this???

Again… not gonna turn it down! Esp after Arms spent all of SL in the dumpster. Thanks for the fish!!! :smiley:

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