Class Tuning Incoming - September 10

Our hero talent is a freaking purple glaive that only procs when we consume 20 soul fragments. It’s one of the worst hero talents of any class out there and you made it even worse?

Stop this nonsense.

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Buffing DK in pvp, do these people play wow? Of course not.

If you guys are done buffing already OP specs like Havok can we get some buffs for single target feral and ret please, Infact there’s quite the divide in single target damage between the haves and have nots so let’s get that addressed asap before the raids get serious.

Now delete yotems from the game. Thank you

No one can handle us :muscle:

Frost DK needs a nother nerf

How about fixing the stealth nerfs to warlock’s hellcaller and diabolist hero trees.

Please fix Frenzied Regen for Gaurdian Druids in pvp. Right now if feels like Bandages work and are far better then this. 6% is not enough to be competitive right now. It feels really awful

20% below single target is fine when they excel at AOE. Stop trying to Make EVERY class great at everything. That mentality is ruining the game and individual class feel.

Lol Im shocked they are buffing blood damage. I already thought it was the highest damage tank.

My blood DK was already my best melee. Thanks? Lol

Who needs parties, amirite

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In two days the battle for top simmers begins.

Which is why I’m happy BG Blitz is coming.

Shuffle can go extinct lol, and I expect queues for it to get quite a bit longer now.

Arenas, I just don’t like 'em.

Deathmatch in a small room isn’t what WoW was meant for, and certain same classes always clean house as a result.

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let them cook, atleast were seeing changes

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Here’s hoping they don’t forget feral as well. It’s about 70k ST dps ahead of boomie but at least boomie knows they have a rework coming that looks like it could be pretty solid. At the very least they are at least looking at boomie. Meanwhile feral had our Ravage nerfed from 255% scaling down to 188% on PTR. I guess they figured they might as well nerf a bottom performing spec anyway lol.

Both Druid dps are just in the gutter for ST and have not gotten enough attention.

And again, nothing at all for Rogues?

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You literally can’t.

For some reason you’re not allowed to activate talents if you have less than your maximum number of talent points assigned. As a result, at mid to high levels, they physically can’t not take raise dead because it’s blocking the path to half of their tree, and the half that is available doesn’t let them spend enough to get past the first “spend x talent points to unlock” barrier.

Edit: Replied to wrong person, but can’t figure out how to edit who I’m replying to

remove roll the bones and vanish as a dps cd on rogues k thx

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Its a very slight buff in the end. You’re looking at less than 1% overall, so it won’t really be noticable.

Balance absolutely does not excel at AoE right now, its about middle of the pack. And regardless, even if a spec “excels” at AOE (which it doesn’t), NO spec should be anywhere close to 20% behind on Single target.