Class Tuning Incoming - September 10

Ahhhh, yes! Thanks Blizz. I’m so glad you finally listened and Buffed Shadow Priests finally! :melting_face:

DK’s feel so good right now

yep…three shells/one pea…
it’s a game.

Can’t wait for the ret paladin and feral Druid buffs since both are at the very bottom of performance in both raids and mythic+.

As a warrior, these messages give me the pork-sweats every time.

I’ll take what I can get. I’m the only healer in our group who actually likes to DPS, so I’ll be playing a good amount of Dev. 3% isn’t huge, hopefully it’ll be “enough”.

Edit: pls daddy blizzard don’t make me augment.

You have no idea the toll 3 vasectomies can have on a person! Exactly what I thought when I read it too, lol.

I’m not going to complain about more damage though.


Honestly the bigger fix is a hotfix they did yesterday to enh, tempest can have 2 stacks now… huge change that didnt get a ton of press

Delete DHs. Thanks.

Still no fixes for the vile fiends, char hounds and diabolist summons which stand around for 2 seconds before beginning their animation, and can be kited so they never engage, thus wasting the entire purpose of the talents.

Tier sets absolutely should be balanced, but there’s bugs that still need fixing.

how you figure we’re over performing? most classes are broken

try not backpeddling

s key is fear try again

Oh wait that doesnt matter because every class in the game breaks fear or has multiple ways to interrupt a spell cast all while dealing half your health during that 1.5 second cast time.

play any mage, hunter, ele sham, boomkin lol
a lot of ranged have insane kits.
i feel for you playing warlock the “tanky caster” design is crap and hard for them to balance

Your request should be to fix the bug, not implement a workaround for the bug…

Are you kidding me right now? (Edit: I realize you probably meant this my bad. Angry morning) Mage is literally more tanky than warlocks now while never having a cast bar to interrupt their obscene damage. They also have a knockback, interrupt, iceblock and poly. Hunter has feign death, silencing shot, command pet, kiting, turtle stance, etc to avoid fear. ill admit i have not seen many ele shamans but they have a stun, wind shear, and grounding totem, and i believe also a knockback. Boomkin have knockback, solar beam/root, and cyclone. Almost everything I just listed are instant abilities save for cyclone and the shaman stun. Juking only works on interrupts.

Thank you for understanding that warlock passive defense is dog-crap right now. We just have buttons that slow down death slightly and thats assuming the enemy doesnt have mortal strike, and who doesn’t have mortal strike effects? very few as far as i know. We have some extreme cooldowns with soulburn healthstone and dark pact but our kiting tools are outdated with the insane mobility of melee.

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I am definitely not defending mage, the kit is completely out of control at this point and same for ele shaman.
worst part of warlock to me was the movement spells, just pathetic.

Let me just kill myself to run at normal speed because everyone has slows.


Meanwhile Dracthyr can become immune to all slows for a collective 16 seconds with hover as well as being able to cast while move.

Or make extra macros to make sure you can click the gate incase someone simply decides to stand on it lmao, and then have a one minute cooldown on something that took three buttons to use

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