Class Tuning Incoming - September 10

I think you guys realize that RET’s low damage issue in PVP is getting so bad that it’s impossible to play properly, right?

It really is, I didn’t believe it until I tried it myself.

For such a fast and visually explosive spec, without looking at the meters you’d think you were doing great. The reality sets in once you realize you’re barely doing more than tanks on single target.

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Or just make it baseline

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Are you kidding? Beast is well behind in aoe dps… Fix beast.

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Dear God how much more faffing around with your spreadsheets will it take to your endless class buff/nerf patches?

Seriously, get it right and leave it alone!


why do they word stuff so confusing

" * All ability damage increased by 3%.

  • Nerub-ar Palace Tier Set : 2-piece – Damage of Disintegrate and Pyre increased by 6% (was 10%)."

can’t tell if this is a buff or a nerf

a buff, the base damage of those will be buffed as well, making up for the 4% deficit, + all the other abilities in your kit are also getting those buffs

It should be a slight buff; more importantly though they do it that way so the tier set is responsible for less of your damage, and your baseline damage is brought up which is good!

Shadow Priests, right? Right?

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Enhancement Shaman -4% dmg
Enhancement Shaman +2% Nerf to 2 set…

Can you handle this spec?

Have 2 presets? Switch to the one that doesnt have it, apply glyph, switch back?

I know its not a permanent fix but a bandaid for.the mean time?

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You are not getting it. It’s too high in the talent tree you cannot unspec it. It’s literally the second talent in the talent tree it is a forced pick if you are max level

how about just fix all the bugs on the current specs instead of ignoring them and buffing specs that dont need it?

Your recent Wither change is honestly either:

  1. A dreadful decision you tried to sneak in as it was undocumented… have you not learnt about feedback and undocumented changes?
  2. Dreadful spaghetti coding that an intern shouldn’t be doing.

Didnt they also confirm in the Nagurra interview they WOULDNT be tuning during RWF and heroic week?

So we’re just gonna leave healers out here doing 1/18th of a healthbar with direct single target crit heals huh? Awesome.


It’s both. But looks like more of a buff, idk I think they should s called it on balancing until after people get into heroic. But hey what do I know they’re just tuning for the #1 prepping for mythic right now I think. Idk

As long as I dont have to refill my talent tree again.

ty all for your replies

Are you planning on fixing the wither ICD bug that popped up with your latest hotfix as well?

Where are the BM hunter AOE buff? Bunch of troll balances.