Class Tuning Incoming - September 10

With scheduled weekly maintenance on September 10, we’re going to reduce the effectiveness of a few new Class Tier sets that would otherwise overperform relative to our targeted values. We will also increase the baseline damage of the affected specs to account for the tier set tuning.

We will then look forward to additional tuning that we’ll develop during Heroic week, which will address anything needed for PvP, Mythic+, and Mythic raiding on September 17.

The September 10 changes will be:

Death Knight

  • All ability damage increased by 5%
  • Nerub-ar Palace Tier Set: 4-piece – Haste when summoning a minion reduced to 1% (was 2%), up to a maximum of 4% (was 8%).


  • All ability damage increased by 5%
  • Nerub-ar Palace Tier Set: 4-piece – Damage is increased by 0.5% per Boneshield Charge (was 1%).

Demon Hunter

  • All ability damage increased by 4%.
  • Nerub-ar Palace Tier Set : 4-piece – Damage of Chaos Strike reduced to 12% (was 20%). Now reduces the Fury cost of Blade Dance by 30% (was 50%).


  • All ability damage increased by 3%.
  • Nerub-ar Palace Tier Set : 2-piece – Soul Cleave damage reduced to 10% (was 15%). Soul Cleave has a 25% chance to shatter 1 Lesser Soul Fragment (was 35%).


  • All ability damage increased by 3%.
  • Nerub-ar Palace Tier Set : 2-piece – Damage of Disintegrate and Pyre increased by 6% (was 10%).
  • Nerub-ar Palace Tier Set : 4-piece – Eternity Surge’s cooldown reduced by 3 seconds (was 5 seconds).


  • All ability damage increased by 2%.
  • Nerub-ar Palace Tier Set : 2-piece – Stormstrike, Lava Lash, Ice Strike, and Crash Lightning deal 6% increased damage (was 15%).

can we get totems and ancestor and elementals previous to be reviewed yet, last nerf as nerfed them twice for whatever reason?


Delete melee plsthanksbai

No. it’s our time to shine.


shadow priest is struggling to exist in a pve setting, i beg


While you are at tuning Unholy can you all please move the Raise dead Talent from the top of the Unholy tree to the bottom?

There’s a current bug with pet glyphs the only effects unholy. Moving that talent to the bottom of the tree will allow Unholy dks to unspec the talent then apply Glyph of the Geist for example and then respec the talent.

Currently Unholy cannot use any of the DK pet glyphs. The same bug happened in Legion and it has been happening since the war within beta. The Unholy Talent itself is what is causing the bug that’s why these glyphs work on every spec but Unholy.

Moving this talent to the bottom of the Unholy tree will allow us to self fix the problem


On the current raid sims that are circulating, Boomies are currently simming around 20% (yes, 20%) below the top third of specs right now on single target - and 0 changes thus far… Amazing.

And that’s with absolute bottom of the barrel defensives, where its main headlining defensive requires shapeshifting into bear form and not being able to do damage.

Balance druid literally needs something like a minimum 15% buff on ST just to be competitive.


This is great news


mines working fine, maybe its an add-on you running thats cause it to act buggy?

I’d expect tuning of specs relative to eachother to come after heroic week is over. This tuning looks to be focused on bringing excessively strong set bonuses back in line with the target number.

It’s hard to do that heroic week tuning, however, if you also have to account for people not having tier sets because of how vastly different in power they are.

Nerf shaman by 4% one week then buff them another 2%.

Snip snap snip snap


Yesss buff enh :smiling_imp:


Buffing demon hunter. Cringe.


I hope this means buffs for Fire Mage, because right now the Single Target is absolutely pitiful.

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We will then look forward to additional tuning that we’ll develop during Heroic week, which will address anything needed for PvP, Mythic+, and Mythic raiding on September 17.

you forgot the pvp changes for hunters having too many defensives, fury still being broken, disc/presvoker surviving 6-7 people ontop of them at every moment, devoker being unpunishable


since youre tweaking unholy please fix glyphs of the ghouls, they do not work for unholy spec


0 addons.

Multiple threads in bug reports on this. It ONLY effects Unholy spec. The talent that makes the Ghoul permanent as UH is whats causing the issue. You have to unspec it to apply a glyph. Sadly at max level due to how high it is in the tree you cant. They need to move it to the bottom so we can self fix this issue

case in point Sillz

Here is just 1 of those threads

Imagine giving any amount of damage increase to shamans and dks, regardless of nerfs to set bonuses, who are both top 3 classes currently and having 0% increase to fire mage or boomkins who are at least 25% below the next lowest dps at the bottom of the barrel. Please make living bomb an actual ability. It need a 2000% buff reading the numbers for a total of 15 seconds is all it takes for any human being to realize it is not an ability since it was nerfed by 90% in beta. I refuse to believe anyone making these changes plays or is aware of the state of the game at any level.

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Yeah I hate Evoker man

We will then look forward to additional tuning that we’ll develop during Heroic week, which will address anything needed for PvP, Mythic+, and Mythic raiding on September 17.

Please evaluate Fire Mage’s performance in PvP. It looks awful. It feels awful. And realistically, it’s not awful because of a lack of anything but damage numbers. Rotational abilities are simply not doing enough damage, and combustion windows feel toothless, incapable of meaningful contributing to securing kills in any form of PvP - duels, BGs, or arena/skirms.