Can we get more detail on why enhancement just got curb stomped?
was one shotting people in pvp with elemental blast
I don’t doubt that they do and I hope they’re monitoring things closely. But I just don’t understand their reasoning behind such a large nerf based off of pre-patch when we’re still double dipping with borrowed power and talents - and if all of this actually will make sense come level 70 and DF S1 starting up.
From what I’ve scrapped together by browsing through logs during raid testing and beta M+ logs, as well as my own personal anecdotal experience, enhance was strong and definitely in the higher tier of DPS specs but I was expecting a 10-15% aura nerf rather than 25% which just seems extreme.
This is sarcasm, right?
Then nerf EB, maelstrom scaling with Overflowing across the board or just in PvP, or something to that extent if that was the main problem Blizz was seeing. I don’t understand knee capping the spec across the board solely because of one interaction / in one instance of content.
yeh idk i dont pve so idk if it was good there. in pvp it was severely op but they usually only balanced based on pve
I just changed my talent tree around.
Damn you Blizz!
shakes a fist
If you haven’t seen a movement paladin in action, I can see how you would think that. Right now it’s possible to have way beyond 100% uptime on paladin movement skills somehow and it is intensely irritating. I fought a pally who never got off his horse for like 25 minutes straight. What are you supposed to do about it? No one could get anywhere near him.
This is only possible in SL zones in the pre-patch, since it relies on double dipping covenant and new talent traits.
Outside of either, Paladins have horrible mobility- literally one of the least mobile classes.
Also, even with the overlap, Divine Steed doesn’t have that much uptime.
Really happy with the changes. Well deserved nerf but not over nerfs (I suspect they might need more).
The only thing that would be good is being pro active rather than reactive for class balance when raid comes out. Don’t wait for scaling. Dish out nerfs buffs early and when classes scale revisit them to see if something needs to be done
You should play an enhancement shaman then if you think the nerfs we’re deserved. Because in your eyes they must be doing great now after a 1/4th reduction in performance with literally zero explanation.
Oof that’s a pretty heavy handed blanket nerf. jeez. That ends the dream of being meta. B,C tier again it seems.
Please explain how they are not overnerfs
I know we’re overtuned atm but there’s no way this isn’t a substantial overnerf. 25% on the entire kit? That’s just lazy tuning and it’s hard not to be alarmed by the size of that smackdown.
I’m playing Enh in DF no matter what because it’s currently an insanely fun spec to play, but please for the love of god, just let us be competitive.
Wtf are you guys doing here withbhalf these changes…so ridiculous. If you wanna nerf dmg …nerf dmg…dont change playstyles and rotation. Have you learned nothing from the attempted frost mage nerfs awhile back that attaempted to do that?
200IQ changes lol
I’ll attempt to speak for Blizzard about Enhancement:
It was just tooo darn good prepatch so we nerfed you into the dirt! When Dragonflight comes we’ll revisit it until then play elemental.
Thank you have a nice 2 weeks until you forget about any other class and play Evoker.
nah fam, they need to do right by their community and fix this, enhancement deserves its time to shine.
They weren’t wildly ahead, yeah I was topping meters in M+ and Raids but not by a margin that justified a 25% nerf across the board. 10-15% would have been fine and I expected that but not 25%.
idk why this posted from a random alt. I’m clearly an enhance main who is tired of getting shafted by blizzard…things where finally looking so good for us. We had a fun spec that was gonna be at the top but nope back to mages/locks/hunters being the only specs allowed at the top…
WTF Evang 3 min cd, Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude who is in charge of priest class tuning, bro share that stuff u smoke so we all understand your reasoning.