Class Tuning Incoming November 1

Shadowpriest Buffs , every one of the SP I have ran with kill the dps meters without the buffs go figure lol

I agree with a number of these posts that 25% is far too much for enhancement. The class was clearly over tuned but a blanket 25% with zero explanation feels like more than necessary. Hopefully we see some sort of tuning beyond this.

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Do not Change Work Orders Pls, its what is keeping the BM alive.

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Affliction is now pretty sad after they fixed Decimating Bolt.

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At LEAST locks are getting buffed. Hallelujah, all is right in the world once again lol.

For those complaining about the enhancement shaman and WW monk nerfs, they were VERY VERY VERY much needed! Those specs were way out performing everyone in both pvp and pve in single target and aoe at the highest level. This will bring them more in line with other specs and classes. However, the demo buffs are probably not enough especially for the capstone guillotine and same for pit Lord damage unfortunately. I do agree with you guys complaing about the random nerf to aimed shot though. That’s a weird and unnecessary nerf… This is coming from a DK main. Also Spriest and ele needed the buffs and they aren’t crazy buffs which is good. No comment on demon hunters although I know they’ve been pretty darn strong

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Must be some bad SP players cause all I play with in Mythic+ kill the meters


No, not at all. It was still below WW by quite a good bit but got nerfed more than them.

Come DF when they lose a bunch of secondary stats, conduits, and soulbinds. Enhance will probaby be the worst melee spec in terms of damage now. All because blizzard is silly enough to balance around pre patch performance when:
1.) The specs aren’t even finished at 60 now that the cap is 70.
2.) We still have borrowed power
3.) We will lose a bunch of secondary stats like we always do at the start of expansions.

It is seriously baffling how anyone can think such an immense nerf is ever warrented, especially during such a volatile time like pre patch.

Im seriously wondering if they just hired people off the street that have no idea what they are doing. First they completely ignore guardian druid all alpha beta, second they constantly overnerf spec after spec. Lastly, they barely offer any proper explaination for any of the changes they make, or lack there of (poor guardian druid being left out in the cold)


Can we please get a discussion as to why we are getting hit so hard?


This is why I stopped playing WW.

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I only tested Blood Death Knight and Elemental Shaman with a bit of Survival Hunter. Hence why I asked the question. I saw the nerf, and it saying 25% seems a bit much, but given I have not tested the spec itself I cannot say much upon it.

Man I really thought this was the xpac. Blizzard was actually handling enhancement shaman well for once…Why are you nerfing a spec in PRE-PATCH that is almost always underrepresented and usually a lower middle of the pack spec? Yet we never see you drop nukes on mage,warlocks,hunter, or rouges. Is this still part of the crappy hybrid tax? If so hybrid classes should be able to do things like go into a dungeon and have enough off healing between two of them to not need healers.

Can we get an explanation/breakdown for the enhancement 25%
Feels a bit harsh


My guild’s enhance was simming at 34k, when most other specs were simming in the neighborhood of 25k

Oh, sims are working now? My warlock sims for 5k.

So your guilds enhance shaman sounds like the best player in your guild.

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It is very true. I’ve seen it myself.

As a main Shadow Priest, I really like this. I’ve seen myself falling really behind in my group since pre patch. Thanks!

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End goal of these balance updates are to roll into DF. Of course with pre-patch certain classes will benefit more/less with additional legendaries and what talents they can reach at level 60.

While I think this is hyperbole to some degree, I wouldn’t be surprised to see enhance simming higher in certain scenarios. However, why is Blizzard having such a big reaction to pre-patch numbers? And where is the explanation/data to back up that enhance was such an outlier that the 25% flat aura nerf was warranted or at least makes any semblance of sense?

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Not sure. Blizzard probably has better data than we do, and avoiding pre-patch specific changes is probably why moonkin escaped a slight nerf. A lot of what’s keeping moonkin power up right now is from some interaction with ravenous frenzy