Class Tuning Incoming November 1

no class is as fun as enhancement shaman to an enhancement shaman main. not even a joke. Enhance is the most fun class in the game in pve. very high octane.

however, we’re just like little noodles rn. at 299 i should not be getting out dps’d by 280-290s when i’m doing my rotation perfectly with mastery trinkets up. it’s just too much.


Very much aware of this. Even looking at beta numbers 25% isn’t justified, especially when other specs just as strong weren’t gutted. And everything being reduced by 25%? Elemental blast definitely needed to be reduced, most of the other abilities did not. It doesn’t make sense to straight nerf all our damage by 25%, when targetting the abiltiies and talents that were overperforming fixes the issues. Shows a lack of care towards enh shaman comparative to monk where the nerfs were targeted.


Any adjustment that’s more than 10% just reeks of not being properly tested. How can a spec getting a 25% straight reduction to bring it in line even be considered as a live release?


Once again the dev’s show that Enhancement is the red-headed stepchild of WoW DPS. We are allowed to exist but never allowed to thrive…


The lack of feedback from the dev team regarding this nerf is particularly disappointing. Tuning is expected but a blanket nerf across the entire spec feels both unnecessary and unsatisfying. It really just feels like devs did not want to invest the time to properly tune the spec and decided to dial the entire knob in a twisted experiment. Enh shaman dps is not so far ahead that this was warranted. There is literally no justification on why it was so heavy handed.


Log data from DF raid testing really kind of answers this. 25% was too much, but I don’t think the dev team cares about prepatch balance at this point.

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that’s just factually wrong, the changes they made to it puts us in line with all the other tier roughly 10% increase.

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Blizz be like: Demon Hunters still tapping that Blade Dance button? We need to try and point them into a rotation with less buttons.


I disagree, I think there is still plenty of life there. They are just knee-jerk reacting to something they are seeing without fully understanding why it’s happening.

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There’s always that low level player with no experience at all that has these kind of opinions.

I already argued in BfA with some unknown NN players that spent their time doing heroics that enhancement was gonna be bad. They said it wasnt bad. It was.

Enhancement is gonna be a hard to play complex spec with many buttons to press that is gonna do less damage than specs with half the buttons.

You can print and put my words in a nice frame.


Adorable that you think I’m either “low level” or have “no experience”.

This is an alt, clown. I play an identical version of this character on another server and have been raiding and doing mythics all expansion. In fact, Enhance has been my main spec since Legion.

Always has been, at least since Legion. In fact, right now I have exactly the same buttons as I did before the talent trees. What are YOU doing wrong here?

It’s doing a heck of a lot of damage right now, even with a 25% nerf. If you’re struggling, that’s probably you.


It’s only 5%


Evangelism change reverted, but blizzard is still ignoring the 500 comment thread about the ridiculous Enhancement nerfs with no explanation, shocker.


Doing tons of damage. Just look at the logs…

Enhance in the bottom half to bottom 3rd.
Logs are for mythic raiding and the 99th percentile.




So not everyone.

Got it.

Thanks for your input.

Well that’s because they likely have no intention of un-doing it and now with the beta client going RC its almost certain that we won’t see any further balance changes until the first/second week of the new raiding tier

bro you’re actuallly in here trolling. set your main as your forum character instead of being a weirdo and then put your experience where your mouth is.

Enhance is getting blown out the water rn by more than half the specs AT LOWER ILVLS and you think 25% was fine and it’s US that have a problem? go on about your business, “CLOWN”.

Yeah so we should trust that you just choose to post on a heirloom level 28 alt.

Pretty disingenuous of you to chop my quote in half so you can make a strawman argument.

But everyone that read my comment knows that im talking about the fact that Enhancement is harder to play than other specs, the same specs that do more damage with a much simpler rotation and complexity.

Now chew correctly.

All, right, maybe you should get out of heroic dungeons where half the people is not even paying attention XD

But dont worry, I already know that you dont have any seasonal mount. So probably you are fake AF.

This is completely worthless when logs are mostly mote cheese or crazy interactions with cov/conduits with talents like how arms warrior damage breakdown is like 80% condemn damage.

Enh was absolutely broken on beta and leagues above everything else.