So about a week ago or so a Discipline talent at the bottom of the tree was nerfed from 50% extra power word shield talent to 30% extra shield
And now more nerfs to discipline. Is discipline overpowered in Dragonflight?
Should I play Holy or Disc?? I can’t seem to get any clear answers.
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Disc is performing strong in beta M+ yes. Probably will continue to be strong even after these “nerfs”
Can we get an extra feather or something?
Its faster to level now and the buff is still there for me, requires like 2 or 3 times less XP
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Leggos and Cov. abilities didn’t play into the tuning. They already have real world data without them…Headless Horseman data.
There it is
Time for Bus Shock incident 2
No response from blizzard, hardly…“shocking”
If only there was some sort of early version of the game where this could have been tested, perhaps users could, I don’t know, get a free max level toon to test out builds with and report feedback.
If only Blizzard had this and ever listened to community feed back one time, ever, just once. Just listen. Worthless company.
There was it is called the the Public Teat Realm. The 10.0 pre patch was on there for a couple weeks before it went live.
You could only access this through the beta. But there was a server where you could only roll a max level DF toon.
People wanting an explanation for enh shaman nerfs are funny.
This par for the course! Enh shaman in bfa we’re good then got blasted by nerfs. Shadowlands? Also good, so we got blasted. Dragon flight? You guessed it - good again! But as we all know, enh shaman can’t be good so we need to ensure we are bottom tier.
Can’t have too many players with access to the ankh ability. Would make balancing raids hard, so let’s ensure there aren’t a lot of shaman players.
Why blast melee specs since they are already at a disadvantage even getting into a raid is beyond me.
Shield talent nerfed by 20%, base shield buffed my 30%. Overall a buff to PW:Shield.
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did you seriously miss the fact he was being sarcastic?
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With the enhancement nerf and elemental buff it definitely feels like they want us to test/play elemental and forget about enhancement, and if that’s the case, then apply it only to the beta so the testers can do the job and leave the retail players alone. I mean, sure enhancement was hitting hard but not the hardest, and as many others have said it already, a 10-15% reduction would’ve been understandable, but 25% with no comment whatsoever feels like “hey we don’t want people to play that, nerf it to the ground so they just stop and play something else and provide useful data”. And if it was a pvp issue, then apply it only to pvp (although 25% still feels way too much), taking a quarter of a spec’s total damage for any activity it’s just ridiculous since it wasn’t that overpowered anyway, then again, yeah enhancement got improved and was hitting really hard, but it wasn’t that crazy amazing to require a 25% damage reduction.
Lastly, a lot of people mention “data from the beta” or simply “beta”, well… the thing is not everyone is playing on the beta, I know I’m not, and I really couldn’t care less about the beta when I’m playing on the live version, sure I understand the testing and the purpose of the beta but those are devs teams’ tools, and live and beta versions are two different states of the game and as such should be treated separately, I really don’t understand the logic on: lets nerf XX class that is overperforming at endgame on BETA, while applying said nerf to beta and live version. It feels like beta is more important than the current state of the game, the live version, that is, whether prepatch or SL final weeks, it is still being played and still relevant if anything.
Capstone talents now doing less than a 10s CD holyfire. Disc gutted.
They just don’t want disc taking this talent. And don’t want to put it in the shadow class tree. This way they get to say we kept the ability from SL… while making it not even worth a GCD.
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I seriously doubt that. Have you seen the only viable builds currently? Reminiscent of Burning Crusade… just hit lightning bolt 30 dozen times per encounter. It’s not fun or engaging. Lava Burst has less base damage than Lightning Bolt AND it nullifies the crit stat.
Even after these nerfs, they’re still topping charts.
I cannot image a circumstance besides a bug that would justify a flat 25% damage decrease to a spec.
There had to be a better way to do that, as I am sure there were abilities that did not need to be nerfed. I was mega-hype for the enhancement talents since they showed the first cut of them, but this really takes the wind out of my sails. A flat 25% decrease with no explanation just doesn’t seem like it involved a lot of foresight. RIP off-meta, goofy-fun builds
That’s what Stuns and Interrupts and Paralysis/Quaking Palm is for.
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I"m not sure you truly understand the difficulty that brewmaster has with this problem. If you go onto beta, you’ll notice that stats were lower across the board due to scaling going down at 70. This has caused stagger to be greatly reduced with regard to magic damage reduction. This is especially noticeable when damage is super high.
And when you have brewmaster HP which is very close to some of the more tankier dps, you have a problem there. No tank should be near a dps spec’s HP levels. We wear leather and have low armor. I know stagger is supposed to counter this weakness but in pvp it really doesn’t. If you’ve played brew in pvp in both live and beta, you’d see how much brew’s HP yo-yos back and forth drastically.
With the stat scaling, you should also see that crit was brought WAY down. That alone is a HUGE nerf to our defensive via incoming healing from all sources. Even with max elite pvp set gear, you can only get your crit to around 25%. That’s super low for one of our MAIN defensive mechanics. We’ve been the MOST healer reliant spec so far in wow’s recent history. This doesn’t change that at all. We’ve statistically had the worst healing/damage by ourselves.
Stuns/interrupts/CC don’t always help especially in PvE with boss damage being magical or even PHYSICAL BLEEDS (hint blizz fix this please) barely being affected by stagger. We have mobility sure. But that only helps us kite mobs. As you’ve seen, blizz doesn’t like that meta playstyle and has moved from it.
Brew needs three things to be competitive this patch and keep up with even A tier tanks like Prot Pally and BDK let alone Prot War or VDH:
- Base health boost in all content to match similar to bear druids (note does not equal the same. they have a good 100k on brew right now in same gear with same armor type)
- Magic Stagger damage reduction boosted at LEAST to 50% effectiveness. This allows us to keep that weakness to magic but still be a bit tankier.
- PVP: We need dematerialize to give us shuffle while stunned! Damage reduction is nice. But when brew is repeatedly stunned with no way out, our main defense is absolutely useless. 30% decaying reduction doesn’t help much when we can’t do react in a meaningful enough timeframe. Shuffle is VITAL to allowing healers to have the time they need to keep us up since our self-heals are abysmal alone.