Class Tuning Incoming November 1

Blizzards track record with non meta (hybrid classes) has shown it never gets “readjusted”. This is most like the base they will go into DF with 10.x patch will bring them up to mid tier then end of expansion they will be on par. It’s been like this since I could remember. With 38 specs in the game there is going to be corners cut somewhere As long as blizz has classes that can clear mythic plus/raid consistently they will settle with good enough.

RIP my monk… :frowning:

Massive overcorrection, please explain yourselves, and at least partially revert this mess of a change.

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How in the good god damn does:

  1. Aimed shot get nerfed by 15% when Marksman is performing like crap currently.

  2. They don’t just tune the pvp damage against players separately.

  3. If Marksman Single-target damage is going to scale out of control in DragonNutz (hint: it won’t), then just tune down the cleave with trickshots so our AoE isn’t broken.

I swear. The devs don’t play the game at all. Why are they doing tuning based around PVP (lmao) during the pre-patch (MORE LMAO).

Someone salty they got double-tapped in a random battleground?

They should just delete that talent if it’s causing that much trouble in arena.


Are you real? This is coming from a dh? Lol

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If by better you mean that we have diffuse magic, sure I’ll give you that. But ourain defense doesn’t work well at all with magic. Currently with max gear my base magic stagger is about 10%. This goes up to just around 19% with 3% margin for agility boosts.

I know it sounds like its alot. But with monks having the lowest hp of all tanks, it does factor to be quite a bit.

Yea, strange to nerf mm when they aren’t even that good on beta. Not to mention mm rotation still feels like dudu, even at 70. I’d rather them actually spend time improving how certain specs play and tweak numbers later.

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Nerfs don’t seem to be on beta yet but man, enhance hits like a wet noodle outside of elemental blast now on live

my eyes are bleeding after reading this ‘class tuning’ post, thanks

You completely gut monks but barely touch affliction lock lol oh my God

Not understanding the flat out 25% nerf to Enhance. I could understand if Enhance shaman’s were tip of the top in DPS right now but it’s not. How can you completely destroy a spec during pre-patch with zero explanation on why or how you came to that conclusion. So many of us that have mained enhancement and played shaman since the beginning of days felt like we finally were getting the love we needed. This nerf hits hard and is harsh.


When Blizzard “tunes” stuff, most of the time its “breaking stuff”, like making it overpowered or nerfing it to the ground lol

I’ve experienced that so many times on my fire mage during past expansions.

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Demonology up to par now! Going to have fun playing with that today.

Oooh and Shadowpriest buffs? Getting spoiled here.

It’s funny they take something good, which Enhancement hasn’t really had in PvP since MoP…and they just once again deter players from choosing this spec…

ATM in prepatch, if you are specing into Haste you’re playing wrong, at least for PvP…mastery has wayyy more value. Even with the nerf I expect I can send out Ele blasts for 50-75k crits (was 90-110k)…and LL will still hit for 20-25k, same with Frost Bolt.

Enhance should still be in an okay spot but will rely more heavily on utility instead of zugzug tactics with this 25% damage nerf.

Way to go Blizz - ruined something good for the VERY small pocket of players who play Enh :stuck_out_tongue:

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What really is annoying is that its likely going to be radio silence when it comes to the 25% enhancement nerf. If we were at least given a reason for the nerfs and if nor not they will continue to be present in the live client come DF launch then that would at least be something.

Now don’t get me wrong, we needed a nerf but a 10-15% nerf would easily be far more justifiable

I don’t recall ever seeing a patch notes where it just says nerf all damage to a class. If you are going to nerf our damage that much. Could you at least let us use 2handers? No? Well /rude.


I don’t have a dog in this fight, but looking at the logs I’m struggling to understand why Enhancement was nerfed more than Windwalker even though WW was actually outperforming Enhancement on average.

Furthermore Arms Warrior went unscathed while putting up numbers only slightly less impressive than both Enh and WW

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Guardian Druid talent changes, when?

Don’t do this. Seriously; don’t do this. This DRASTICALLY hurts Disc in raid and is an astonishingly big nerf to the spec in a raid environment, even if said spec was historically excellent in raid.

And on the topic of “things to not do…”

Make no mistake: Enhancement was extremely good both on the Prepatch and on Beta. But a 25% nerf is crazy and doesn’t come close to reflecting how far ahead of the competition it actually was. Windwalker received very large nerfs right now as well, but it’s still arguably one of the best specs in the game even after these nerfs. A 25% nerf to Enhancement’s entire existence absolutely obliterates its personal damage, and with Ele getting such noticeable buffs it’s pushed even further behind.

Please rethink both of these nerfs. There are some nerfs here that are good, and many of these nerfs are warranted to some degree, but these are extreme.


I still can’t believe you guys named an ability this!