I only ever played a hunter and only MM or BM. I came back for DF thinking it would be fun to play wow again but now I’m glad I haven’t actually paid for it. If these nerfs go though I doubt I will be the only hunter no longer interested in coming back.
If you’re going to bring out 25% or 50% or across the board unilateral nerfs there should be a Developer Note with specific explanations on these, not just when it’s convenient.
Not a single line of justification for a giant flat 25% nerf for Enhance really?
I don’t care how broken a spec is, a flat 25% nerf is just absolutely insane. What is wrong with the devs?
it was about 30% stronger than every other spec in single target…
i seen a shammy doing 45-50k single target it was about 30% stronger than any other spec. same for monks. you clearly dont follow logs and these kinda things. they 100% DESERVED THAT NERF lol
Now how many people are still looking forward to DF?
Hot damn I was not expecting any of these
This… utterly destroys hunters in solo content.
I’m serious. I did the math using the recount from my solo of Denathrius Normal.
If I hadn’t received healing from leech on my pets, that would have been 33% less heal.
33% !
And to note, to have that healing, it meant pressing mend pet on cooldown. Which means losing a lot of GCDs, and significant dps.
With mend pet buffed from one side, and covenants removed from the other, this will be even worse in Dragonflight.
If this is due to PVP issues, please don’t destroy hunters in PvE like that.
Or, if I could make a suggestion, the core issue is that if pets de 50% of our damage, we lose a lot of value from leech.
So other solutions could work, if for example leech on the pet was reflected on the hunter.
I cant speak for anyone else, but everything they’re doing seems to be slowly chipping away at any enthusiasm I had for the expansion and they are doing absolutely nothing to build it back up in other areas
Beast Mastery
- War Orders now grants Barbed Shot a 25/50% chance to reset the cooldown of Kill Command (was 50/100%)
Man…I, quite literally, never post on forums, but I had to for this one.
I literally just came back to WoW for the first time since mid Legion after Borrowed Power and the class reworks became a thing, and I gave Hunter a try, not expecting much. I was interested at the consistent flow of the class, and how it wasn’t completely reliant on random, spontaneous activations that dictated whether or not you could do anything. I seriously thought I’d play Hunter over Demon Hunter, which I never thought I’d sway from.
Until I saw this change.
I can understand why they did this, but they went at it improperly.
They likely were worried about Cobra Shot being used so little that it would make the button irrelevant, and possibly due to overcapping Focus as well. However, the proper way to do this, I believe, would be to increase the base cooldown of Kill Command by 1.5-2 seconds. This would ensure CS would still be used, while keeping the flow and fluidity of the rotation intact, and may possibly add value to the Cobra Senses and Cobra Sting talents.
I genuinely hope this change gets reverted in favor of higher cooldowns on Kill Command, or something similar if that doesn’t seem applicable. Breaking the flow of BM to solve a problem causes more problems.
what explanation do you need LOL. They were out performing S tier classes by a mile.
Excuse me what? What kind of logs are YOU seeing, because I can go to the front page and for all 3 raids and see warlocks dominating across the board in the top10 on all bosses and they didn’t get touched.
As of right now, 2:30am for the top10 across all spec for every boss:
CN has 43 warlocks and 1 enhance
SoD has 24 warlocks and 10 enhance, and on guardian the ST god example has 6 locks and 0 enhance ranging between 96-73k.
SotFO has 55 locks and 6 enhance.
So yeah, where are the warlock nerfs? If you want to “follow the logs” and claim that the nerfs are 100% deserved based on that, WHERE ARE THE WARLOCK NERFS? Should Enhance have gotten a nerf? Maybe, dunno. But when you’re looking at the logs getting dominated by most other specs that didn’t get touched, pretty hard to say that out flat 25% was justified.
Now, that said, honestly I don’t really care AS LONG AS THESE ARE PRE-PATCH ONLY NERFS. That is the primary concern, because right now classes are double dipping legendaries and covenant slots and so the balance of right now will NOT be the balance at 70 not even counting the extra talents. I really don’t want this to be another BfA where we got the nerfbat and then were left non-viable for the entire expansion due to inattention.
This is just purely untrue. Even with raw data proving this you still chose to spread misinformation. 25% blanket nerf should never be the answer to any class balancing especially in pre patch where previous expansion mechanics are interacting with the next expansion, it’s lazy and a knee jerk reaction to them being over tuned. Enhance will feel these nerfs in DF because the 25% is affecting everything in our toolkit not just the abilities causing the issues.
Well, guess that will end my enthusiasm for df and my sub too.
- All damage dealt reduced by 25%.
Please explain the blanket nerf as opposed to targeted nerfs like every other class in the post.
agreed target something else blizz, at least revert it on release, because the only reason this is working well right now is all the haste and borrowed power we have, and I still have dead time right now, minimal but I can see how easily it’ll turn into big dead time
and yeah what are these nerfs based off of anyway
45k in 95% logs was placing Enhance at 5th place, behind Affliction (55k) & Windwalker (50k) and just slightly behind Retribution & Balance (both right around 45k as well). A 25% across-the-board nerf drops them down to just under 34k, which will be close to dead last now that Demonology got some buffs.
Rip BM AoE.
Any Holy think this was needed or anything?