I’ve seen stranger things I guess, I just don’t think it’s possible for a dedicated pve warrior player to not know how good one of their specs currently is so I’m calling cap until I see proof
Yea thats what I figured
I’ve seen stranger things I guess, I just don’t think it’s possible for a dedicated pve warrior player to not know how good one of their specs currently is so I’m calling cap until I see proof
Yea thats what I figured
He will. He’s like Rumplestiltskin. He undoubtedly looks like a little troll, likely smells like cheese and garbage, and will reply to any comment he even believes is speaking in his general direction no matter if you have him ignored because these forums are the only place in his life where he feels like he has any power.
No more fun for me either, unfortunately. I have to sleep while he’s probably snorting G Fuel to stay awake because he’s so invested in this thread.
The fact you think anyone is going to believe that when you just admitted you didn’t know how busted arms was right now is astonishing.
A grey parse in Mythic is actually entirely different than a grey in say Normal or Heroic.
Hes 100% full of it.
CheckPVP shows two 80 warriors, I linked the logs of one, the other has zero kills.
If he was that good he wouldnt green parse in normal no matter what gear he had on.
Its the traditional “its on my other account bro”
100% this.
Yep, thank you. Especially on a first kill Queen kill where I died while getting the portal in p3
Yea thats what I figured, scrolling by ilvl is a dead giveaway. This character is an alt and class i leveled up for fun on season downtime and even it parses 99 by ilvl while im still learning. Can’t imagine any warrior that reclears mythic queen 5 times is going to green parse in normal unless the ilvl is horrendously bad.
it boggles my mind while people lie about things that are so easy to find.
Especially in normal where most people arent at that level of play.
Its why he left the thread because he knew he was going to get laughed out.
The amount of people that haven’t even completed normal trying to mog mythic raiders for one or two bad parses actually gets pretty satirical because of how parses work but I guess they don’t know how it works because it would require them to y’know use their brains.
Normal is the easiest to parse in, since quite literally most people in normal are either bad or are doing one clear of normal and never coming back. Heroic is where the mediocre to decent players are, a little harder to parse but not bad. 1-4 Mythic is even harder to parse but still not extremely horrible assuming it’s a fairly late raid week. 5-8 is where you are usually dealing with actual good players though, everyone at this point knows how to hit their buttons it’s going to be harder to parse well.
Let me guess, these will be the balancing changes for the rest of the season. I’m starting to notice the trend. Knee jerk balancing changes at the beginning of every season and then radio silence until 11.2? is this what we get to look forward too?
Because these class tuning will have no affect at the content he’s running. So why would he care?
And here we go again. Why? Just why? Mortal Strike is hitting for well over 1.2M and yet we are worried about a 800k Execute? I wonder if there is something in ya alls watercooler?
MS with OP stack crit for 3M for me >.>
This is objectively false. Being able to clear the content regardless doesn’t mean class tuning is irrelevant. My god WoW players love to play gatekeeper every chance they get. It’s pitiful.
Also, you think it will have no EFFECT. Affect is a verb.
WTB Shockadin spec, get rid of beacons etc and just go back to three healing spells like back during TBC!
Lmao he reported my comment pointing out his gray parse and the fact his other parses are a sea of green and blue. Uh oh, little guy is sensitive about his poor dps.
Considering it’s a comment about nobody but him you just know he’s character swapping to flag it too. Bless his heart.
For Elemental – Please change Primordial Wave back to how it functioned in Season 1.
Evidence for the shared outrage @ the change: Shaman: Primordial Wave MEGATHREAD
Actually I didn’t flag anything. Not my style. The only thing I’ll report is comments on my family.
Youre just toxic and clueless on how parsing works. Which is normal for people that buy carrys
It wasn’t me. You over flatter yourself if you think I care enough about your opinion enough to flag it let alone flag it on multiple characters.
[quote=“Magedaddicus-stormrage, post:440, topic:2067642”]
This is objectively false. Being able to clear the content regardless doesn’t mean class tuning is irrelevant.[/quote]
??? The guy you’re defending is basically tell other players to shut up and that everything is fine because it’s fine for him. Then goes on a rant about how he barely plays, and the only content he plays is easy stuff.
He can play whatever, or however, he wants. But he shouldn’t be coming on this thread ranting at others.
Who’s gatekeeping? Where are you coming up with this nonsense?
I’m not defending a person. I don’t know that guy from Adam and don’t care about him at all. I’m pointing out how dumb and gatekeep-y your “logic” is in stating that tuning is irrelevant unless you’re meeting whatever arbitrary threshold YOU personally deem worthy.
Every player is entitled to an opinion about the game, even if you think you’re so important that you can turn your nose up at that player and tell him to shut up because he doesn’t clear enough content to speak in your kingdom. General class balancing affects all facets of the game.
For what it’s worth, I came back to the game very recently and played a character 2 weeks until it got 2.6k io and then I started getting alts ready for Undermine. If you’re trash talking that dude about not clearing “high keys” then you are gatekeeping yourself because you’re not clearing high keys either, Mr. 2.5k io.
Yes they do. Doesnt mean their opinion has any validity or credibility though.
So that was a lie.