yes mr “i never green parse” with the green parse in normal
Id compare my normals but it wouldnt be fair.
Wonder if my rank 2 SV parse for heroic brood is still holding
I think I see the issue. Do me a favor. Go onto WCL, click on Nerubar palace statistics. At the top change 11.0.7 to 11.1 and tell me what you see.
dont worry blizzard will fix this with another nerf that will improve warrior
dont forget the balance is meant for s2 tier sets
Thats why you play with a coordinated group. All classes CC DR so that isnt anything different.
I goofed. I meant Rallying Cry
You mean like a Phsyical damage group?
lol are you talking about my alt from like 2 months ago when I was in like 597 gear? HAHA that’s silly. And even then, I think I had 1 green parse if I remember right, and I was mostly purple and I was in pvp gear just helping a friend out in 2 raids.
Because my main has 0 green parses, all orange and purple with 5 mythic queen kills.
yeah a phys damage group unless you are doing really high keys most groups wont build around battleshout
Then why you hiding it? Link it.
Most people ocmplaining about warriors not being meta wont play at that level.
and yes if you are building a physical damage group warrior is def something you would want to bring along with some form of a monk.
If you scroll up you’ll see that Kaslyia is just as bad as Snozay. He/she doesn’t live in reality and somehow manages to one up Snozay in the “stupid comments” department. They’re having a competition over who can embarrass himself worse and they’re both winning.
but when you try to do 10s in pugs the average group will pass over classes deemed useless sometimes my friends dont even come online for most the week I ended up tanking most of my weekly 10s s1
I totally believe that a mythic raider that has been reclearing queen 5 times doesn’t know the difference between the 11.0.7 partition and the 11.1 partition and ALSO apparently doesn’t know how good arms was this week.
Mr Boosted is still talking lol
We arent the ones not living in reality.
Havent had issues on any of my classes that arent meta.
It’s hilariously fitting how I now have to hit a gray button if I want to see how you’ve further embarrassed yourself. It’s color coded to match your Queen Ansurek parse. That’s cute.
Most mythic raiders that have CE also know first kill parses are irrelevant. Rekills are when people tend to go for parses.
My rank 2 is now a rank 3. Heroic parses are soopersrs
First kill being a gray in end boss mythic kills isnt the insult you think it is.
Further proving how out of touch you really are.
God forbid that the spec with a heavy emphasis on execute actually be able to execute in PVE; might make fury warriors mad that the other spec is actually viable.
lol it’s funny the child is still talking. I’ll bet he’s still replying to me even though he knows I have him ignored. Their ilk are so predictable. Anyways, back to farming for me. Have fun with the children.