Class Tuning Incoming - March 4

It is irrelevant to the lower levels. That’s not some arbitrary threshold, it’s basic math. At a given point the content becomes so easy you can play any class, any spec, with near any gear, and still be successful.

[quote=“Magedaddicus-stormrage, post:446, topic:2067642”]
Every player is entitled to an opinion about the game, even if you think you’re so important that you can turn your nose up at that player and tell him to shut up because he doesn’t clear enough content to speak in your kingdom.[/quote]

You’re really just inventing nonsense to get angry about here aren’t you? Is this some weird outrage fix or something? As if pointing out ‘it doesn’t matter’ is somehow some massive insult. /facepalm

No, not all balancing affects all aspects of the game, and the balancing this post is talking about doesn’t affect people who never pug, play the game 1-2 days a week at most, don’t push high keys, don’t pvp, don’t mythic raid, and mostly just complete weeklies and troll the forums.

It wasn’t trash talking, that’s on you and your weird fetish.

I don’t post on my main because I don’t give a crap about io. But if you want to play that game, I made 3196io pugging on my MW. Which was #1 MW on my server, and top 100 in the region. And that was done entirely pugging.

And the sorts of changes this post is referring to really matter at that level, because if you’re not ‘meta’, getting in a group is pretty much impossible. And I say that, with a WHOLE lot of experience.

What? I said it was NOT fine, and that warrior needs help, the guy I was arguing against said warrior was fine and it’s utility is fine

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You can repeat this as many times as you want. It won’t make it true. It also has absolutely nothing to do with “math” lmao. It’s extremely simple logic. If a class is being changed, it does not matter whether the content being done is less than YOU SPECIFICALLY believe is relevant because that’s subjective. Class changes affect everybody. It DOES NOT MATTER if the content can be easily cleared with any spec.

It’s absolutely mind-blowing that you can’t understand this while you’re trying to go on this pathetic gatekeeping tirade of who’s allowed to have an opinion on changes that result in their class doing less damage. I don’t care if it’s somebody complaining about having less damage for their level 37 alt. It’s relevant to them, therefore it is relevant and you don’t have the authority to say it’s not. You seem to have a very inflated sense of self-importance.

He’s not a strong critical thinker, obviously, so you may have to explain it a few times.


Again, you’re making nonsense up to get angry at. Go outside, touch grass. Pointing out that these changes won’t affect all players isn’t some grand conspiracy to gatekeep the forums up some other nonsense.

I can picture you as a big pock-marked neckbeard while you unironically post “ayckchyually your opinion is false” on the WoW forums. Your inability to comprehend extremely basic information is astounding.

“All warrior damage has been nerfed by 75%.”

“Oh, that’s not relevant to you because you can still easily kill quest mobs anyway.”

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

I can’t imagine having an opinion this dumb and arguing it while being completely sincere.

So this went from arguing about the changes made in this announcement to like 200 posts of arguing about some guy’s uninformed take on arms warriors?


In case blizzard manages to get down this far.

Balance tanks (VDH and Prot Pallies are too good compared to the rest)
Buff Resto Shaman and Holy Paladin


Save the effort. Mr mage there bought his keys and really doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Just been picking fights because no one is confirming his opinion.

I’d bet money this is a lie just based on you not knowing how good one of your specs are with the new season releasing in a few days. Arms is literally top raid spec. Make it believable dude.

The actually crazy thing is thinking the nerfs are that impactful. They are not.

Why are you so mean to ppl on the forums? You need to stop minding other people’s business.

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I obviously don’t think it was a 75% damage nerf. The fact I have to explain that to you tells me you’re just another one for the ignore list because you’re as thick as the other people that have been running their mouths. My god these forums never cease to amaze. I don’t know how half the people here survive with how low functioning they are. You couldn’t have missed the point of my comment any harder if you tried. :person_facepalming:

If it stinks everywhere you go maybe you should check under your shoe? You clearly are getting very angry over a simple conversation about a video game, you might just be the moron bud :joy:

I’m not being mean.

Take your own advice.

He won’t link his main. Claimed the two warriors we found were alts.

He was green parsing in normal lol

He’s mad because we found out he bought 2500 in keys lol

I just want to know when blizzard is going to buff brewmasters to prot paladin level in M+ so we can be viable in groups again.


Even if they made it so you spawned infinite gift of the ox orbs (making brewmaster and unkillable god) and increased brewmaster damage by 200% — you would still rather have a Prot paladin because of the group utility.

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(Noob brew here - Elk’s alt)
Do you what stage we stop being viable?

You need to remove the 0.5 PvP modifier on this 2 set bonus. Otherwise every proc, and every bestial wrath, will override a normal 100% strength barbed shot with a half strength 50% barbed shot… Please don’t let this go live.


Meanwhile BrM monk is in the corner singing “Dancing on my own”

Come on blizzard S.O.S. Help the brew man. For pity sake this is just getting rediculious.


I can’t wait to try the new season out tomorrow. :two_hearts: