It is irrelevant to the lower levels. That’s not some arbitrary threshold, it’s basic math. At a given point the content becomes so easy you can play any class, any spec, with near any gear, and still be successful.
[quote=“Magedaddicus-stormrage, post:446, topic:2067642”]
Every player is entitled to an opinion about the game, even if you think you’re so important that you can turn your nose up at that player and tell him to shut up because he doesn’t clear enough content to speak in your kingdom.[/quote]
You’re really just inventing nonsense to get angry about here aren’t you? Is this some weird outrage fix or something? As if pointing out ‘it doesn’t matter’ is somehow some massive insult. /facepalm
No, not all balancing affects all aspects of the game, and the balancing this post is talking about doesn’t affect people who never pug, play the game 1-2 days a week at most, don’t push high keys, don’t pvp, don’t mythic raid, and mostly just complete weeklies and troll the forums.
It wasn’t trash talking, that’s on you and your weird fetish.
I don’t post on my main because I don’t give a crap about io. But if you want to play that game, I made 3196io pugging on my MW. Which was #1 MW on my server, and top 100 in the region. And that was done entirely pugging.
And the sorts of changes this post is referring to really matter at that level, because if you’re not ‘meta’, getting in a group is pretty much impossible. And I say that, with a WHOLE lot of experience.