Class Tuning Incoming – September 24

That’s the spirit!

I love Druids. Really hope Blizzard helps em out.

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-scritches the raccoon’s ears-

Well. for those of us that sometimes like to use our google nest thermostat as a controller, the only class we can play is DH. It has to be at least decent at all times or its discriminatory against us.


this is not enough. resto so so far behind!


He’s right you know^

Play a Shaman or Prez and then go play a Druid and tell me things are “fine” with rDruids.

Preservation Evokers are outperforming every healer in Raid and are considered the best healer alongside Disc in PvP and received zero nerfs?

That feels like a pretty big oversight. Healer balance still has a ways to go.


Pres getting away with no adjustments is wild. High end raids, M+, and PvP is packed with Prevokers. RWF is running 5 - 6 Evokers per fight, incredibly over represented.

It’s a bit baffling at this point.


This is what i like to see , this makes me so happy .

no nerfs to pres voker for pvp ? they are a bit tooo godly rn

did they really they are already a top pick ?


now give us void elf paladins plz

You are out of touch. VDHs and Bears are dominating top keys right now.

Can we get some AOE Heal buffs to Holypally for once in PVE… or some tuning down the dam aoe damage in all the mythic+ dungeons no reason people should be getting chunked for millions a second

Outlaw has to have a one hand weapon, not dagger, equipped to use its abilities.

And you can’t switch spec during a M+ run…

Yeah I think it’s going to need a lot more than that…

Also where are the Preservation Evoker nerfs?


Its hard being a Rogue…

All 3 specs have issues.

Sub is bloated.

Outlaw is an RNG mess in general which could be partially fixed by getting rid of RtB.

Sin has severe stamina regen issues.

And we get nothing, again.


Can we please look into Magi’s Spark not counting Arcane Missiles into it’s calculation? It only echo’s the very first missile hit, and not the subsequent hits.

With Magi’s Spark reduced by 50% in PvP, it is even more critical that our capstone talent feels impactful.

Please, and thanks.

Buff every low spec by 20% cowards

Thx for continuing to leave Guardian Druid alone.

You forgot the +3% warrior buff

Please. P.L.E.A.S.E. grant balance druid a defensive buff. Balance would be in a solid middle of the pack subclass with that. Most of the balance druid’s on here and on other social media think the exact same thing. Moonkin form buff against melee and magic. Something. Please Blizzard. please.

How about you buff Demon Hunter damage in PVE…so its actually balanced with other classes…

Don’t think those BM changes are enough to really move the needle, but at least we’re admitting it’s an issue.