Class Tuning Incoming – September 24

You buffed feral bleeds…AGAIN?! Are you out of your mind?! They are passively topping 3s charts while hopping around in bear form just from all their dots melting people.

Lizards are doing 4 mil disintegrates every 2 seconds while flapping around the map at 170% movement speed in perma-hover.

These changes have been a bit out of touch.


Buffing resto druid healing by another 4% is not going to fix the crappy talent system/ playstyle that is currently in play

(post deleted by author)

Only 2 dh’s in the ENTIRE WORLD above 2k in solo shuffle.

45 death knights in the top 100

irony of dk crying about havoc buff, priceless.


10 more buffs and Resto Druids will STILL be spamming Regrowth in M+

I have seen it all, the day “approaching average” is the norm when compared to everything else.

/Average, Yay!

I’m not playing fire until I can singe my eyebrows outside the game.

And another tuning where Unholy, BM, and Demo (pet classes) get nothing but bugged pets who can;t patch, stand around instead of attacking even when commanded to, and dying on simple cleave damage from melee. Should we just shelve, BM, Unholy, and Demo lock until next expac?

When you can stand 30 meters from a MM and the best you can do is remove 40% health while you lie dead… yes, there is a problem.

Seems like devs are playing evokers this expac and stopped playing DH from dragon flight.

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Killing Spree is still busted… :frowning:

I have been praying for the removal of RTB since it was first created.

Outlaw rogue SUCKS I hate it.

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It’s clear as day that that BM hunter AOE buff is not enough and should be further increased…

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Sorry but this isn’t remotely close enough to make BM competitive in M+. Funny how we were fine in Beta until you decided to take a hammer to BM as a whole instead of the actual problem which was/is Basilisk Collar. You guys still have an issue with digging your heels in on bad decisions.


I suppose nerfs to Frost Mage in PVP were expected. Now though you have no reason to keep Frostfire Frost undertuned in PVE and should bring it in line with other specs including Frost Spellslinger and you no longer have justification to keep Splitting Ice so much nerfed in PVP (since it was nerfed to compensate for buff to Ice Lance and now Ice Lance does less damage than pre-that buff). Please buff Splitting Ice back a bit, for example to value of Glacial Spike’s Splitting Ice.

These buffs for Fire Mage are something, but they are not enough, especially for Living Bomb.

Alfa, Beta, Hotfix, Hotfix, Hotfix, Hotfix, Hotfix, Hotfix, Hotfix, Hotfix. Nerf, Nerf, Nerf, Nerf, All classes are broken again, and we’re back to square one. Nothing changes. it’s the same thing over and over with these self-inflated egotistic game designers “we feel” not fact.

Enjoy BM hunter’s buffs for now because it would short lived and they will get hit with nerfs very soon. Blizzard and the WoW community will not let BM hunters become over powered.

Dude you fools got a freaking rework. I swear paladin players are the most entitled, cry baby players in this entire game.

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Number of BM Hunters in top 140: 0. Number of Demo Warlocks in top 140: 1. This is not tuning, this is a joke

nice buff on fire mage, but people are still going to invite Fury warrior :+1:

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They’re getting a lot of changes moving forward in addition to this, but it’ll be a bit.

Either way I wasnt being serious lol