Class Tuning Incoming – September 24

Those of you that turned down BM hunters or made jokes about them are really in for it now!!!


It still isn’t enough to make us worthwhile in mythic plus

IMHO if shadow priest damage is a problem in group content then there needs to be group content specific changes.

Just like with PvP.

Flag the “problem” abilities for whatever content they are tuning for so we can do solo content like delves with out being handicapped by m+ or raid group tunings.

It was a joke, friend.

Why would a broken strong class need buffs lol


I’m assuming you’re another hunter that thinks BM is doing tank level damage?

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Afraid of making psychic link broken probably.

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No, but I still feel it isn’t enough. Edit: compared to MM or SV in AoE that is.


I think this will be a bump. Bm aoe was bad but the hunter forums act like is down so bad it’s tank level bad.

Reality is stat prio is different for aoe than st

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Yeah, I don’t feel it is tank level bad. Outside of maybe blood dk.

Listening to the forums is never ever a good idea.

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There are people having meltdowns in the hunter forum claiming it’s that bad. It’s pretty entertaining.

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Outlaw is probably the least played spec in the game and full of bugs. Let the 500 people that play it pump damage. :joy:


I have read those, it needed buffs but the way some people are reacting it feels like they thought it needs a 300% aoe buff or something. :sweat_smile:



You’re acting like outlaw is the only strong spec.

Sub and sin pull ahead after 4 set.

I didn’t say it’s the only strong spec though?

I feel like Blizzard forgot about the previous nerfs they’ve made to fire. Lit fuse still has a 4% proc chance, making it a nonviable talent no matter how much damage it deals.

Guess you haven’t been looking at raid parses huh.

Whoo! Resto druid is now…still the worst healer in the game by a long shot.
4% is better than nothing I guess…

For which class?