Nice maybe if they keep doing these extremely conservative fire buffs they will eventually get the flamestrike build to be as good as the ignite build (which is terrible) bravo blizz. You did it.
Nah, their damage is still nothing compared to pres and voidweaver disc, their mana will still be significantly worse than pres and disc, and their throughput is still worse than pres and disc even with these buffs. Tying any kind of healing to 2.5 second casts is insane in a game of micro cc
Hpal mobility/ability to carry flag still unable to compete with mw and pres
Need that 0.5 rework more than ever
Not nerfing warriors AoE even further is pretty crazy crap design.
I’m sure that’ll fix it. How many times are you going to buff its damage before realizing it’s a design problem, not a number problem?
Absolutely out of touch. That soec deserves absolutely nothing
You guys are doing daily maintenances/hotfixes/tuning and can’t find the time to fix the underlight angler fishing rod? It’s been broken since pre patch. I’ve posted many bug reports, and make the occasional post, but yet it continues to get sidelined. I know you can fix it cause I’ve seen you fix legion stuff recently.
Thank you
What? Try again, read what you type this time before hitting reply, just to make sure it makes sense.
these are the buffs you give when you want the class to go away and stop bothering you because you’re not going to spend any time on it.
Contractual obligation for SP, what are SP on 28th rework.
better than nothing i suppose.
but what if nothing is really something
I believe we’re supposed to use this 4% to kill interruptible bosses between the first and second cast now.
Oh boy a whole 4% buff to a vastly underwhelming aoe spec that will surely make me not have to play surv or mm in M+
I’ll take what I can get.
Like I said last time, they could buff all spriest damage 12% across the board and we still wouldn’t be in the top 10 DPs specs.
4% is better than nothing.
Can’t wait to see the VDH buffs next week because god forbid if we don’t have the exact same comp ruining the entire game for another season!
Huh? It is definitely a number problem. The issue is that they double nerfed it and brought it down by 90% during beta. They’ve gone from 100% to 10% to 13% to 15% and now we’re going to like 17%.
It was double nerfed, because there was a bug that increased it’s damage by 100% that was meant to go to frost only. Blizz fixed the bug AND nerfed the damage, hit count, frequency and splash damage all at once.
it doesn’t hurt at least, but we’re still on our own trying to make the spec work. oh well, so be it.
A lot of classes are like that. That’s why they have multiple specs. Loadouts are saved now. It’s not like it’s hard to swtich between them.
Yay, nerfs.