Class Tuning Incoming – October 29

This is great, having our core economy back will definitely feel impactful in movement intensive fights (So all of them). While this is a good change, the core issue is some talent placements and proc rates on talents.

  • Swap Bilescourge Bombers/Felstorm with Grimoire: Felguard
  • Swap Shadow Invocation with Fiendish Oblation
  • Swap Dreadlash with Wicked Maw

Having to take AoE talents to path into single target talents is always a weird design decision. This would free up a couple talent points to focus builds more specifically to things that make sense for the builds.

Also, please make Tyrant instant cast and remove Umbral Blaze completely and Demo will genuinely feel so much better

For more in depth feedback for Demo, I’ll link my forum post for visibility.


Nobody is playing it, so long as you ignore the logs of every single boss except mythic brood. GD hilariously out of touch once again…

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How could you possibly need more tuning after the giant list you already did in the last month?? At this point you are literally just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. There should be a much more controlled and less frequent approach. Anymore everything about balancing and patches seems just haphazard and not well thought out.


Dark Ranger underperforms Sentinel in virtually every scenario, if you account for the bug fix. All you’ve done is waste your time reworking a hero tree that most MM won’t pick anyway.

Inb4 Sentinel nerfs, I guess.

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Have I missed the WW Monk buffs that are need above most?

They must have buffed them while I was on holiday, and I’ve missed it, because I don’t see any here

Thank you Blizzard. You prove once again you DO NOT CARE ABOUT DEMON HUNTERS. It’s been half a season and we have gotten 0 quality of life changes. Slap a 3% buff last tuning and call it a day. Absolute joke for a dying class community forced to mass reroll


Does anybody use Sanlayn over DB?

Boomys, I want you to put the word out there, that we back up.

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Yet the numbers don’t actually show that. Op absolutely, but broken? Not even close. In M+ they were ahead at the very tippy top by 12%(1.9m vs 1.7m overall). They could burst extremely high, no doubt, but that’s a few packs out of the whole dungeon. Outside of ascendance they were mediocre at best. People see these 1 pack snippets of insane damage and miss the next few where it’s mediocre damage slog.

I don’t think you quite understand just how horrible and massive these nerfs are. I’d wager a guess at a 50% damage nerf and that’s IF you use ascendance, if you don’t the game is going to be so awful you’ll either quit or reroll. It’s really really really bad.

Ascendance needed nerfed, but overall Ele needed buffs elsewhere so not going ascendance was viable. This was the absolute worst way to go about nerfs since they hit multiple things and it’s all compounding, which is on top of a 50% lightning rod nerf they already got.


Woke up thinking “Elemental Shaman sounds fun”.

Read this…nope lol.


If you’re even remotely interested in min maxing and the theory crafting, dark rangers is currently miles behind pack leader in single target. It’s marginally better at AoE, but falls too far behind in single target to make the tradeoff worth it.

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Nothing about Sunfury Meteors? While they finally made them instant fall (the 3 second delay made them 100% useless before) they now fail to even go off even with the proc is active and they are suppose to fall.

Is the Shaman discord doomin’ ?

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Credit where credit is due, this is a good start. Lot of bugs left.

Another Bus shock is happening

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THANKS Kaivax!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Fire and arcane mage like the worst pvp specs in the game right now representation wise at high\mid rating and no changes. Less than a 1% representation rate as well on both of them…

Come on, this balancing is just not good enough

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Ww Monk have gotten 0.

WW monk isn’t forgotten, it doesn’t exist

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Oh survival? wack. Marks is rockin dark ranger everywhere

Shaman discord be doomin.

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