Class Tuning Incoming – October 29

I am begging. Truly and absolutely begging you to hire Hunter players to work on the class design team. I am begging for you to do this. You are so severely incompetent with the Hunter class as a whole and it is so painful to watch you try and wing it with the class. Please hire hunter players to work on the hunter class.


Pretty much, people wondering what they should reroll to because without even seeing the ingame numbers it’s doneso. Not much else they can do since ascendance was all Elemental had going for it and this basically kills the spec lol. Now it’s just await rework 3 or would it be the 4th rework this expansion.


So you guys are just throwing darts at a board with hunters lol? A 50% nerf on tear is kind of insane.


Sets the precedent that after a re-work like for Ele, expect multiple tunings after because the individuals that did the re-work apparently did not at all know how to tune it in the first place. So basically, if a class get’s a re-work, just don’t touch it for a month or two while Blizzard learns how to tune the game that they have full control over and have designed themselves.


Tell me you don’t play boomy in PVP without telling me you don’t play boomy in PVP.


Right so, Holy Priest is just a raid bot class that is carried by Halo, provides Fort, and that’s it huh?

This is pretty crap for healer balance. Nothing here is going to even twitch the viable comps in Raid and M+. Just bad.

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Ah yeah, another multishot buff for AoE for BM hunters. Just what we needed to “improve our lackluster AOE”. :slight_smile:

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If the 150% → 100% Overload damage Ascendance change for Ele Shaman was the only nerf that would honestly be fair.

All of the nerfs, however, cause multiplicative effects and I suspect Blizzard didn’t account for that.


Beast Mastery actually. Dark ranger went from the “must play” hero spec which worked because pack leader is just lame all around, to being to far behind to justify taking now, even with the added “cool factor” It’s something crazy like 10% down behind pack leader right now.

Some Feedback on this:

Multi-Shot is realistically even with a 1000% buff never in the range to matter at all as an individual button in AoE Situations. It is poorly tuned as it has been an enabler for Beast Cleave and Kill Cleave.

  • Therefore we want and will press it barely even with those buffs as it directly conflicts with Kill Command in AoE Situations which translate in more AoE Damage per Focus Spent.

Explosive Venom realisticly is only applied 18 Seconds (instead of 30 as before) into an AoE Fight - and this is only if Call of the Wild isn’t pressed as it totally replaces Multi-Shot as you will mostlikely spec into Blood Frenzy which maintains Beast Cleave.

  • Would be great to rethink those Multi-Shot Changes and move Explosive Venom to work on the first cast of Multi-Shot if you want this talent to be impactful to AoE and a talent point worth picking up. Maybe you could make it that Serpent Sting can’t be applied this way for 18 Seconds (having an internal cooldown attachted to it - so we won’t need to cast it repetitive).

Im not sure if buffing Stomp is great - it always felt kinda mandatory and I would like to have more freedom - esp with shifting the damage from Barbed Shot to Stomp it feels like a net gain instead of a ST Nerf. Threfore I expect the ST Nerf being minor in terms of BS impact (overall it might look a bit more okay with nerfs to PL).

Overall the thing that is mostlikely helping BM’s AoE is touching the nodes required to gain Multi Shot, Beast Cleave and Kill Cleave as it has been repeated for the period since Alpha War Within.

Early Numbers by Tarlo on those changes: 5% ST Nerf Pack Leader - Neutral for Dark Ranger / ~2% Pack Leader AoE Nerf / ~1,2% AoE Buff Dark Ranger.

This might mean Pack Leader is back to being not picked - not sure if you just don’t want Pack Leader to have its time in the sun.


only 5% after these nerfs lol they just hit us with a 5% ST nerf


What the actual are these patch notes…. Are you seriously tuning BM based on a Tuesday raid night when you released BM bugged to the moon?

These numbers are bad. This ideology is bad. This patch is bad.

But don’t worry. I bought your $90 mount because I’m a blizzard shill. For your next one add a bank and a warband storage to the Brutosaur too.



I mean yea fair enough, still though haha. I at least want the option to take it. Pack leader’s so boring.

You may not have intended the interaction, but it created a much more engaging rotation.

Much more engaging that the failed attempts to buff steady shot or mult-shot dmg.

And was fun.

Why nerf at all? Bm is still worse than both MM and Surv in keys.

And you are nerfing PL aoe. And “buffing” DR aoe by so little that this is still a net nerf.


Current state of WoW tuning:

Windwalker monks and Havoc Demon hunter class developers are completely MIA

Blizzard just kneejerk nerfs top performers and buffs bottom performers even if it’s the fault of their own due to bugs.


Devs claim they all work on all classes, and there are no class specific devs. Which makes it willful negligence when some classes are ignored over and over.


What a rollercoaster. Balancing just kinda feels like throwing darts at board.


Where are Brewmaster buffs?


Being a Demo, I’m glad… So glad… Maybe I’ll be able to move again! At least a bit more!

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Ugh can we just get rid of icefury???