Class Tuning Incoming – November 29

If they felt it was a pvp issue they would have made it a pvp only change. There clearly a section highlighting pvp changes.

Sometimes blizz makes changes to classes because of pvp ignoring how it affects PVE players.

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It will still be one of the top dps specs in the game. it’s hilarious seeing people that have been at the top for so long get a nerf and complain

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Thanks Kaivax you are the best.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Have they ever not been great in dungeons?

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These changes are likely focused on lv70 beta feedback, where there’s currently no reason to play sub due to the passive cc reduction breaking the sub burst rotation.

how in the world does it make sense to do this after the launch, instead of just doing the changes and launching it 12 hours later? I will never understand the people running this game. Oh and thanks for letting frost mage continue to rot, real nice of you.


Because they probably have a release candidate tested and approved for the 28th and they don’t want to potentially introduce bugs into an already complicated launch- esp since people are probably distracted by thanksgiving right now and don’t have the time to push and properly test a new release candidate.

Better to push something stable and then a hotfix afterwards.

Remember, Blizzard’s codebase is considered a spaghettis monster that’s old enough to rent a car in most states.

It is what it is man. If they nerf it again then it will be an issue. DH is destroying keys in beta. A 5% overall nerf would still land then in ATier

I actually really like momentum :confused: puts some extra skill in the class

Really angry that it took the last week to bring Protection Paladin to a somewhat decent place. Thanks for the “revert back to normal” WOG. You forgot to revert to normal all other healing though, Judgement of Light and Consecreation Path of Light. As they are now, they are dead talents worth nothing.
Also revert the damn AS change, it does nothing to “reduce” SOTR uptime (still 100% with proper play) and only makes the button worse to click.

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Hunter needs an across the board -35% nerf to dps. These numbers are not fair.

Right so they put out a brand new xpac and then take the game offline 12 hours later. Ahhhhh what. ???

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I hate to break it to you, but they were probably going to have to take it down 12 hours later to fix newly discovered bugs anyways.

There’s only so much you find with testing.

lol, I will grant you that this is 100% the buggiest game on planet earth. Now with double the bugs since the UI change!!!


Probably because the changes will take server restarts.

I genuinely want to know what the issue is at your office? Lazy, don’t care, low morale? There’s several specs beyond busted and several that needed serious help to even be playable on release. It was one straw to leave spec design utter trash for certain specs like … ret??? Like… spriest? Now we cant even do the bare minimum tuning. You just saw record low sub numbers and this is the effort we get? Good luck, you are going to need it with all due respect.

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Word of glory buff is nice. That’s the bread and butter of playing a prot paladin and it was too weak before

Hunter got buffs this week dude.

I still dont reckon this will shut the prot pallies up on the warrior forums calling for nerfs…