Class Tuning Incoming – November 29

dude as soon as we loose our leggos our dps is going to die.

Need I remind you all these tuning and balancing aren’t for shadowlands and or prepatch it’s for Dragonflight.

MM very well may release as the worst dps spec in the game per numbers, BM and surv aren’t doing much better mid tier. Just because blizzard said “buffed” doesn’t mean such. They like you seemingly use zero data to back decisions;opinions

He said buff hunters when, I pointed out they did this week. Thats the information that was asked and the answer was given. Did I state it was good or bad? Nope. Did I give an opinion? Nope. Did I give accurate data? Yup. So what exactly are you going on about?

I think the context was pretty obvious and you chose to ignore it, hunter was not buffed it was improperly tuned by people who clearly didn’t do their research.

5% increase to MM AS with a 10% increase too overall dmg. SV 10% increase too overall dmg, 15% increase to bombs and 5% increase to bomb proc chance. Looks like a buff to me. If you are arguing tuning as buffing those are 2 seperate things. What context? The entire post said hunter buffs when? The only context in that statement is the question being asked. You are just looking to make a mountian out of an ant hill

(post deleted by author)

Expansion launch is already mostly ready to roll in the game files, barring maybe some last minute adjustments, and will happen near the end of this week’s maintenance cycle. Class changes are done during maintenance, except for severe bug hotfixes. There’s probably more than one good reason to do it that way.

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Warrior need buffs. Evoker is warrior’s hard counter with the unblockable magic damage, permanent slow immunity, disarm immunity, and fear/stun immunity during their extremely long bubble. No other class is as affected by Evoker as warrior.

That is not what the sims and numbers say. Hunters need a reduction in dps and are too OP now.

did you lose a bet? :sob:

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Hunters need nerfs not buffs. Way too op.

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Hurray!! I like

Dude, our best spec is mid-tier at best. It’s coming out strong in pre-patch mythic raid logs because it’s good at mote padding :roll_eyes:

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DH is so powerful in PvP. The nerfs are appropriate.

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I agree with this you can’t root them they have high magic defensive cooldown as long for melee you can’t kite them and they hit like a truck

Yeah that nerf is worth it

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Yeh that does sound like a bad match up.

Wait so there will be a weekly maintenance the day after launch?

We talking 1 hour, 8 hours, etc.? Don’t you guys typically cancel the weekly maintenance on launch day?

I was already expecting Illidan to basically be down all of launch day (as is tradition - 6 pm -12 am EST).

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I kinda just wish it wouldn’t apply to pve tbh. I’d like to see them decent in m+, that’s what I originally enjoyed about the spec and what was taken away throughout basically all of SL.