I dont play for.myrhic raiding so that wouldnt matter to me.
Well that’s what they did balancing on.
Every spec there below and including Survival Hunter were buffed by 4-5% overall.
At the 50th percentile fury is #7 on heroic so it actually gets better for you if you aren’t mythic raiding.
Yeah so he’s talking about M+, where fury is now useless; for the record, prior to this buff, ret was #2 for timed +25s as a melee and #2 above 30s as well, noone is saying ret didn’t need ST, but they certainly didn’t need ST+AOE buffs.
The melee meta will now be DH>Ret>Rogue>DK>Warr, but the difference was warr had better ST, which helps in high keys and kept us semi useful, now there is ZERO reason you’d ever take a warr if a ret is avail…why would you give up a brez, BOP, sac, immunity, offheals and brez for similar but now worse damage with a target cap? The answer is you wouldn’t, so yes, it’s easy as a non-DPS warrior to say “LOLQUITCRYING”, until you step away and realize all 3 warrior specs are now pretty bottom of the barrel, and fury will now drop lower for raid as well as these buffed specs will surpass, leaving warrior at the bottom of M+, and lower middle of raid.
It’s an insanely unnecessary buff, rets are crushing now, and the game cannot be purely balanced around raid when raids are 2-3x a week and M+ is 7 days a week; they need to find a way to manage this better.
Give warriors bloodlust and they will be relevant again, it sucks to literally have nothing to use in mythic plus to make them worth bringing. Even rally is meh in higher keys
Top rewards for m+ are 20s… you can do that with a green lvl 37 sword now.
What you can’t do is clear mythic raiding with that.
It’s a 5% overall buff if a ret was overalling at 200k, now they’ll do 210k, hardly gamebreaking.
Sounds good to me.
Giving rally the darkness treatment of +100% in 5 mans, and allowing WW to cleave to 8 targets+our tier set cleaving would instantly put us right in the mix competitively.
Bloodlust will change nothing, you basically will never be without an evoker or mage at higher keys anyway.
The game should absolutely never be balanced around mid level gameplay, or else the game is broken.
That’s why they’re balancing around mythic raiding.
When it should be balanced around both mythic raiding and high keys, as those are the main portions of WoW, with M+ being CONSIDERABLY more popular than raiding now, and I say this as a HOF raider.
Do you know what happens if we get CE and 70-80% of classes cannot push high keys? We quit, blizzard loses money, and eventually players will just stop coming back.
There is no excuse to not be able to balance AOE vs ST.
Tell Blizz that.
Ret ST is in the gutter when speccing for AOE. You for sure know that sucks on Tyra week.
If they can’t be bothered to provide concise solutions, it’s not the players fault they don’t balance appropriately.
Ret barely has cleave dmg, which is weighting it down this raid due to multiple cleave involving fights.
Wake of Ashes is cleave for ret, so they buffed that now.
Having a 5% overall buff isn’t making ret go any lower or higher versus other classes/specs in the rankings. So stop crying about ret and cry about fury’s lack of utility if you want to compare that.
You do realize ret was not massively far down on the final 3 fights in any capacity, right? And with these buffs, they are now likely the best besides rogue; that’s not a fix, so people are mad.
They should’ve buffed ret ST by 10-12% and done it in a way that their AOE went up 1-2%, instead they made their AOE omegabusted and their ST upper pack. Which means S tier. This is poor balancing, and people are understandably upset.
And I am telling Blizz that, it’s why I’m on their forums posting.
Show me?
Show me a parse now and then apply the buffs to the abilities 1 by 1.
What does that suppose to mean? Warrior’s always felt like trash class in pvp in every expansion. Now they are more trash with the 30% armor nerf. Dying to things that shouldn’t be dying to.
I was wondering how long before the pitchforks and torches were coming for ret.
Show you? The math is out there; this was a 7% ST buff and approx 10.5% AOE buff, on a class that was not 7% behind and was the upper end of AOE already.
Listen, if you want to pretend this was a balanced buff because your inability to be objective when discussing your class blinds you, go nuts man. I’m happy you’re happy, you won’t be happy if this game eventually dies because blizzard doesn’t care to actually think their changes through.
There are already 2 threads i saw like 3-5 hours ago… so the patch barely even hit NA.
They’re crying as always.
It would be funny if it wasn’t how sad and pathetic these people are if they are bothered by ret getting a minor buff.
I mean every HOF/title ret I’ve spoken to about this so far thinks this is hilarious, they’re obviously stoked to be busted but they aren’t pretending it isn’t busted.
10.5% aoe buff? 7% st buff what the hell, where did you get that from.
The numbers of the top end sims before and after the APL was updated, friend.