Class Tuning Incoming – January 23

Everyone has their own perspective. Every class except maybe DH has a counter. I have played lock and rogue since Vanilla. It was my very first class. I think they are going to be unkillable and even now Demo is godly!

Very, very good point.

Warlock approves.
wiggles toes

Shaman is a weaker class fantasy than Hunter. Even when SV was demonstrably the best hunter spec during season 2 it still had less than a twentieth the number of people playing it in raid as bm or mm. SV being melee means it doesn’t feel like a hunter, you don’t get the ranger feeling from it so it doesn’t get played.

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Yet people LOVE Elemental and it feels VERY Shaman, yet it is not played heavily because Blizzard always balances it to be crap. Heck this ONE season it was looking on the PTR like it was going to be good and people started dusting off their Shaman like crazy.

Then it got nerfed super hard and hasn’t mattered since.

People would play survival, if it was good and BM/Marks weren’t, but that isn’t the case.

Plus, Survival is boring.

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Do they? Or do YOU love elemental? Because every shaman I’ve ever spoken to without exception has bemoaned me for playing my shaman elemental over enhancement even when it performs better.
A reminder that enhancement is the Thrall archetype, you wield the elements and use them to beat peoples faces in. Hell you straight up got doomhammer in legion and it was the highlight of the class, can you tell me what weapon elemental had without looking it up?

This update is out or is coming out Tuesday?

Check the title. :smiley:

coming on reset

Thanks, I skipped right to the juicy stuff.

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When has it performed better?

The last time I can recall is Cata…

That’s the difference.

Dead spec unless they delete Aug.

Season 1 of this expansion.

So the SPriest/FMage/AUG/vDH back into Meta. Just need to get Hpal locked in, and we are back to status quo!

This has to do more with the type of player that plays Hunter than anything else.

which was kinda my point, people play hunter to be legolas, not gimli.

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Well let’s be clear, key level only matters in relation to gear level; if you don’t overgear the 18 key the game can be balanced around it. But generally people choose to run keys that they (or the group members they invite) do overgear.

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That’s not clear at all. They gave Arms aoe buffs.

I had hopes they could see that MM is not the 4th best spec in the raid. and that the performance was the absolute best MM 1 tricks being juiced with pi/autum and also the first 6 bosses of the raid was extremely easy to only just scrap by with logs similar to an above mid pack BM player. when you have 1k points of data comprised of the best of the best and then 60k points of data comprised of below awful and above average yet the 60k points lead to better performance, then its obvious that the lower sample size is not doing well esp not when compared to the players of the same calibre on different classes. also in normal/heroic MM is near dead last in both popularity and dps. only truely beaten by affliction lock but atleast they bring summons, lock gates and health stones. meanwhile hunter brings a niche buff which is awful in both functionality and application.

Yes and no. I don’t think the spec shines when you’re shoehorning the talents to have the best damage profile and utility for individual boss fights, and it creates a situation where spec balance is messed up when the fights change.