Class Tuning Incoming – August 22

How so? Mindsoothe has recently became amazing and PI was added recently as well. So, what amazing utility has priest had for years?

Are you really referencing mass dispel and shadow’s off healing as “off the charts” utility? I guess that’s why shadow was always so desired in dungeons. /s


Don’t really give a damn about dungeons, certainly “you need mass dispel here” is a frequent statement in raids.


No! Nerf all spec done to sin ( assassin rogue) level that include tanks and heals

Isn’t the overwhelming theme of this thread about M+? And priest having mass dispel is one piece of utility they’ve had. I don’t see how this makes them an outlier.

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And why is Warlock and DK still untouched ? They are dominating raid tables on single target ?

If you mean “don’t M+ players cry and scream and try and draw way more attention to themselves than any other portion of the playerbase?” then yes.

If the damn title is such a problem, get rid of it. And get rid of hall of fame, too, it’s what caused the huge pop imbalance starting in BfA.

All these “let’s give the top handful of players nice things so they say how great we are on twitter” things from blizzard need to stop.


I was thinking the same thing. who cares about cocoon. It sucks. a 12% nerf to enveloping breath is going to be devistating…

Rework classes make them fun and good. Then nerf week after week? Don’t you guys understand how bad this feels?


delete all maintenance buffs to be honest


what DK needs is the nerfs to its defensives removed and its armor value in pvp fixed. you can’t dps from the graveyard no matter which spells are nerfed or buffed.

this isn’t really welcome, you made a support class now stick to your guns, don’t slowly turn it into another dps.

it feels like the team doing class and pvp balance isn’t the team who wanted to put a support spec in the game, and is instead slowly destroying the dream one step at a time.

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I seriously laughed out loud. You have a better chance of winning the lottery.


Dragonflight came real close to equalizing all classes.

Honestly, Blizzard said they are listening to feedbacks, in fact, they only care about the money they take from your subscription period. They can’t even fix bugs without breaking something else in the process. After 21 years, you expect to have a great game, in fact, it’s going to sh*t. I hope the next expansion will be worth it !


this literally cant be more wrong, its not that tanks cant deal with incomming damage, they can btw. its the fact other tanks doesnt provide druid utility plus its extreme amounts of damage. thats why the bear “nerfs” will always be a meme because bears overhealing will always make up for the loss in ursoc shield.

you cant buff “utility” into other tank specs. plus the only tanks that close enough in damage to bear is vdh, prot warrior, brew and bdk. literally the winning factor is utility

They had time to,and should have started out balanced and yet here we are confused and battered. It may work out in pvp but I’m not sure it ever will in pve considering the content .

i mean theyre still all relatively close, the only obvious outliers being sin, unholy, aug, mage

And still it would change when another patch comes in ,then another change,then something they don’t like (suggested by others that don’t play the game) changes it to suit them. Repetitive boudingle .

Cool, mages get punked again.
ATN DEV: It is not the same as other invis. I can prove that. I don’t care what your code reads. Get a 2nd opinion.

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Something you have to understand its the fact you so many times use bladestomr to break roots, slows or dodge CC. This its PVP¡¡ NO PVE¡¡ We dont use always Bladestorm for do dmg.
And why you nerf avatar and colossus smash?? are you crazy?? The only window to kill its in a big burst because our DPS its dogsh1t and you hit us with 15% nerf on our burst?? WTF Blizzard, create a arms warrior, play it and then, try to do some fixes.
Please, reverse it, dont apply this changes, are horrible, terrible, you gonna kill this class.


Aug is all PvP, when they are so OP in PVE! Causing every spec to be nerfed because of it.

Blizz has no idea, and the BM Buffz are a total joke!