Class Tuning in Progress -- January 12

Come on now Blizz, you know 2% ain’t gonna be enough to fix 2H frost. It won’t even be a noticeable buff lmao.

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MW Monk the WORST healer in the game right now is getting nothing?

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Pittance of a change that does absolutely nothing. Why even bother?


are you guys working on any pvp balance changes at all? are you waiting until after awc?

Are you people even LISTENING to demonology warlocks anymore? Throw us a effing bone PLEASE!


They could make it’s cast time lowered based on damage received recently, similar to how Death Strike works.

Buuut that’s changing mechanics, and I believe they are against changing actual functionality and only want numerical changes outside expansion updates…it’s been like that for a bit now.

Makes me realize that 4 months in will be plenty of time to know whether I’ll re-sub, or quit for good. (My personal issue is Fae Transfusion, but yea.)

You keep spamming this like it’s a viable option for those who enjoy BM gameplay but dislike MM.

Why is Frost Mage getting buffs when they can just switch to Fire?

Why is Assassination Rogue getting buffs when they can just switch to Outlaw or Subtlety?

Why is Fury Warrior getting buffs when they can just switch to Arms?



If they buff the Necrolord soulbinds more, I have 0 choice to switch to them, because for sure Venthyr isn’t going to be viable for DK anymore.

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You must truly be terrible at playing Shaman if that’s what’s happening.

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Nice but where is the covenant tuning? Necrolord needs help on almost every class…

To be fair, all should be bowing down to Princess Emeni.

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so hunters…?


Covenants, by design, cannot be tuned. Necrolord is already strong for some, thus buffing it for others just makes it massively OP for those it’s strong for.

Blizzard were told this was a bad idea in Beta. Here we are.

If you buff necrolord now, you just change which class are now hard stuck with a single covenant. It might fix your class’ issue, but it creates an issue for others.


yep, back to ff14


No Havoc or Destro buffs. Feelsbadman


thats what arms has as well and a MS and Warbanner and dule…thats what i mean…fury needs that as well to help the team along with better Defense …arms just has more and is just better in every way but yea umm fury has those always has but that really dont help your team out like MS and Warbanner dose

No, I’m talking about the class-specific abilities. Buffing Adaptive Swarm for necrolord druids is not going to affect any other class because none of the others have that ability. Take your ripcord crusade elsewhere.


Cries in BM


arms dose not fury,…not at all maybe read more on that as well :slight_smile: