Class Tuning Coming June 28

quiet just heal :slight_smile:

I’ve corrected a typo in the original post. The first PvP change for Holy Priest will be:

  • Priest
    • Holy
      • Mana regeneration reduced by 60% in PvP combat (was 55%).

Warlock dark pact and soul leech changes didn’t go live.


Paladins do some bad damage they should fix them.

It was more than 40%. Completely ridiculous really that it made it thought testing.

Once survival and destro get nerfed, windwalker is going to take their place. It does a crazy amount of damage as well.

Agree. I’d nerf them both asap but I’m not trying to get titles

Keep promoting the big lie. Yes they are capable when paired with destro locks and survival hunters and resto shamans and blood dk’s.

Wrong . We are being ignored because we don’t play a FoTM spec.

Kicks in right away. Everyone knows locks and hunters are op

Both suck!

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Yup. The problem is the amount that they’re ahead.

Yes that is what they’re saying essentially

It impacts the rest of us because we’re tired of being looked at as inferior compared to destro locks and survival hunters.

Yea. The denial is too much for me

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Does that mean Mistweavers Enveploping Mist’s healing over time is increased or the healing bonus is increased? Thank you!

Every runner can run a mile, but that doesn’t mean they all finish at the same time.

Always people trying to conflate viability with balance.

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holy priest got screwed again. please revert nerfs

for all the +28s and 29s you do?

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It’s not special treatment, the community complained because of the timing with MDI coming up. Imagine having a team put together, ready for the competition just to find out your strategies won’t work because Blizzard nerfed it right beforehand. Blizzard made a good call about this and is listening to what people are saying. Yes these nerfs are needed, along with the survival nerfs, but waiting til season 4 is wise so it makes it even for MDI and those trying to get in the top percentile for the unique title reward since Season 3 is most likely coming to an end soon. It just makes sense.

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Really scratching my head why this seems to be such a hard concept for people in this thread to grasp. The nerfs aren’t going away, they’re just being kicked down the road to avoid disrupting the damage it’s already done.

Nobody, nobody is arguing for these nerfs to not go through - Someone name dropped Kalamazi and THD earlier, both of them agree the nerfs are warranted but avoiding them hitting until after MDI/S4 is absolutely the play.

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I never disagreed with the timing of the nerf being bad and the need to push back to S4.

The dude I was quoting was suggesting that Mage, rogue and other classes also needed nerfs, because he was a salty warlock.

I would argue that nerfing anything is bad and makes people feel bad. They should be buffing classes to bring them up to where their contemporaries are - however in the situation with warlock their power it should have never left the PTR, thats the place these kinds of numbers should have been exposed and thats the place this should have been nipped in the bud before pushing it to live.

They’d need to buff classes by like 300% to get even remotely close to where Warlock is. Maybe that guy talking is a PvPer where Rogue/mage has been the absolute highest S Tier choice (RMP) for what feels like every single season since the game released.

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I don’t know if it’s sarcasm or not
 but well, I’ll take it as if it weren’t. Is it really necessary for the Hpriest to dominate in all the Competitive areas of Wow? (PvP: Arenas, bgs/rbgs and PvE: M+ and Raid/the latter is the 2nd but is still part of the first)

Gee thanks for the update that no one wanted.


How often do H priest get to shine in pvp even? Isn’t pvp usually the same few classes every time.

This actually feels really bad after some play testing. The reflect damage of SoV was meant to be a large portion of it’s deterrent. So that players thought twice before simply mongoling down the shield when the Paladin pressed it in defense.

With it’s explosion damage nerfed, players are even less hesitant to break through the shield and it’s almost lost all meaning of identity and usefulness.

The Absorb shield itself isn’t very powerful for it’s 2 min cooldown and now it just feels lack luster on both fronts. :frowning:

(With this nerf, it also doesn’t feel great for this to be on the GCD still. Again, SoV, Eye for an Eye and Divine Steed as personal defensives and personal movement speed abilities do not feel good on the GCD

Do you pvp?

This was very much needed. Know a couple peeps that went far and wide because of that broken cheese-wheel.