Class Tuning Coming June 28

So you have time to nerf and un nerf destro but cant be bother to look at havoc doing tank aoe dps?


And…its interruptable.

I pray for crap players in (epic) bg. they let me channel eye beam a few seconds.

you get good opponents…they basically shut you down before you are max jump height even. No channel…so nice. you just wasted that cast, its on CD. and back to some craptacular ST damage. Okay…some pvp talents make blade dance useful to do.

one thing is to shine and another is to be totally broken or op, because it is not possible for a class or spec to dominate in all areas of wow (at least in one it should be low like all the others) they are also so broken that almost no healer can compete with two “brez” in quotes and not to mention in PvE that due to its simplicity to do dps and healing makes the meta see that it is only based on very easy classes or specs instead of skill.

They never have or ever will balance this game. They literally pick and choose who they want to shine. If you want to succeed at high end content, you HAVE to place this class. And if you play that class, you HAVE to play this spec. Feedback my @$$
Incompetence at its finest.

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But it has been noticed how little by little the balance issue has been diminishing when passing from the expansions starting from legion with the M+ (don’t take it the wrong way, I’m not saying that Legion or BFA were 100% perfect with balanced classes) the which counted various dps, tanks and healers with a slight or little difference (or at least there was more variety like 6-7 dps in S and A), 2-3 Healers (S and A) and 2-3 (S and A) but even if there were some tier S or A classes, at least the other classes did not abound much in terms of low performance or at least they did not get to be many grouped in F or D (which currently abound many classes / specs)

I don’t understand why its one of the hardest. I thought Jailer was one of the easiest end boss mechanics in a long time.

My comment to which you are referencing was to someone to prove a point. Not to showcase that its “viable”.

I wasnt saying everytjing is fine, i was simply making a statement to someone that was sorrly misinformed and didnt know how to properly showcase evidence. Essentially downplaying his callout of uigh keys being impossible without those two classes, i told him it wasnt impossible up to a certain key level and linked a 26 hoa timed with an arcane mage myself and a sub rogue

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How is this fair? Destro cry and nerfs get removed when they are destroying other DPS specs by 20-30% margins easily. BM have been crying and still bottom of the table in M+ and barely middle / lower half in Raids?

If you don’t nerf Destro and SV than buff the other specs so that everyone does about same DPS. Sick of getting sub out cuz fight needs AOE

They’re gonna nerf them in a couple of weeks when season 4 starts so that you can complain about the lack of BM buffs when that starts okay big guy?

Catering! That is what it is! This dumb bleep should have never happened in the first place. So now you CATER to a tiny portion of players while other classes and specs are hard stuck because the only way to perform at higher keys to to bring specific classes/specs! UTTER BS! The sad part is, we will deal with this again next season, and the season after that and so on. Because there is no desire to balance this game in 16 years and they will pick and choose who is Meta!

Not that I pvp but it’s funny that the fury pvp nerfs still went through. Why would you nerf a class so late into a pvp season when they still might want to push for gladiator?

The answer: It’s the right thing to do. Funny how blizzard is ever capable of backpedaling, reverting or delaying nerfs on classes that so continuously get preferential treatment but certain other classes seem to only ever get the short end of the stick. Why was blizzard able to nerf warrior tier set bonuses by 25% effectiveness the first week of raid, leaving the spec in the bottom 5 performing specs for the tier but can’t move with any sense of urgency when it comes to hunters, warlocks or mages?


For the record I play a hunter and have done so since the launch of WoW. I have not played any other class… obviously my choice and my right to do so. I do not consider SV as part of what it means to be a hunter.(kill command/bomb spam) /clap for brilliant design…with all the same weaknesses as the other specs! LOL Wish the community would have just ignored this despicable spec and showed them their brilliant idea was complete garbage no matter how broken or OP they make it just to justify that decision to make a melee spec for a hunter. The old SV was wonderful to play and would be great in todays raids/dungeons. But what do we know… having to choose between 3 different melee specs or range is one thing but to try and force a ranged class/spec to go melee is just a troll move.

You should be ashamed of yourselves for letting it get this bad. People knew weeks into the patch that survival and destro were over performing. You guys wait months into the patch to finally assess it and then change your mind because it’s too late now.

Go ahead and list the specs that will be completely overpowered for next season and immune to nerfs so we can get started


says the ones that DIDNT NERF ROGUES

I’ma just leave this here.

Dont you know? Blizzard is reactive, not proactive to any of the issues going on right now. Fun detected? Fun nurfed.

its sad to play dh
having to wait 2-3 hours to be accepted in a key hopefully even having more than 3300 io and the only ones that accept you is because there are two casters that you have to buff or they don’t need you to be venthyr for nothing else . with the buffs of other races and the dh leaving it completely the same.
giving a 4 piece set that is completely useles and that doesn’t add significant value to the class’s playability and doesn’t provide damage growth like other classes that reduce a cd from 4min to 3:30 is complete useles compared to the azerite necklace secondary power on bfa which reduced the morph cooldown by 25-30% that’s way more than the 30 seconds it reduces now.
in a raid boos have duration between 6-8 min how many times can meta be cast with or without a set if the fight is too long about 3 times but most can only be cast 2 times is the same as not having a class set .
since the recent patch the waiting times feel longer and the preferences are always focused on the same classes, it is sad to see how the majority of streamers who played dh change to hunter or warlock because with dh there is a limit that already it’s hard to move forward since he doesn’t have a bestial aoe like warlocks or hunters have, and now with the recent buff the monks already completely bypass inviting a dh to the keys. and this class is dying more and more.
I feel more and more bored playing because of the rejection that one feels when playing with this class and I don’t want to create another one because I like to play with the dh and I’m bored playing with other characters, but every day it feels more difficult and demotivating to want to play this game.


This x100. In any other industry you would be fired for this level of incompetence. Seriously how in the hell did Blizzard not already fix this months ago?

Just a question.

Is Feral ever going to get any meaningful buffs for PvE? They have consistently been near the bottom all expansion and probably longer than that. They could really use a buff to their bleed damage from all abilities applying them as well as buffing Sickle of the Lion and making Berserk an overall better CD. Its a 3 minute CD and one of if not the worst Offensive CD in the game. Feels bad when a class really in need of the buffs gets overlooked consistently. Leader of the Pack should be a baseline ability for Feral as well not a strictly pvp talent.

Sickle of the Lion was nerfed immediately upon release meanwhile you’re just now getting to Survival Hunters and Destro Locks. It seems weird that the Feral Tier Bonus was considered too powerful but these other 2 got to stick around the entire time until now.

Feral Druids struggle to get into Raids, and Mythic + groups because they offer next to nothing and even lack damage in AoE scenarios. Sometimes it takes nearly 2-3 hours to be accepted into anything. They really could use an overall damage buff to practically everything and better Energy regen as well as I listed further above. Also the Leader of the Pack talent going to baseline would be very appreciated and do well for the spec. (In PvE they really need the buffs. In PvP they are in a good place)

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Well looks like you have another winner here.

Just got out of a 15 mists where the top DPS was the vengeance tank with 19k overall.

Good gawd blizzard.