Class Tuning Coming June 28

Glad we agree.

Trying to make the game balanced around any 1 aspect is just plain silly, M+ is inheritably impossible to balance without complete homogenisation is my point.

You’re still here? Golly jee wizz willakers someone get this guy a retail sub

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You’re aware its the same sub yes? I’m not sure if sarcasm or just not real bright.

Youve already inadvertantly admited to being without knowledge of something you are trashing.

Not true, already balancing around it and have been for some time. Take a look at any recent buffs/nerf patch notes targetted at AoE and ST respectively.

Im not sure if classic brain is inhereted from playing it, or if youve always been this way.

Hence why retail is plagued with FotM constantly and why every class has basically the same abilities with different skins so they can all AoE effectively to be able to compete in M+ where AoE damage is basically all that matters.

This is utterly ridiculous. Why on earth are you allowing these specs to continue to absolutely dominate in M+? We aren’t talking 5% difference, were talking them doing double the damage of others. Do you know how hard it is to get into a M+ group DPS slot as anything other than those classes? Even at only +15 you will sit for HOURS trying to get a group because everyone wants Warlock/hunters to make the run super easy. These classes destroying all others in aoe DPS absolutely impacts players in M+. Sure non-meta specs can still complete 15’s, but it is LITERALLY twice as hard. Why do 2 classes get easymode? It’s flat out unfair and needs rectified ASAP.

You have 2 choices. Either buff all the other specs to warlock/hunter levels of AOE dps or nerf the problem classes. You don’t even need to get fancy with the nerfs, just take their main AOE DPS ability and nerf it by 50%. It doesn’t entirely solve the problem but it at least brings them back inline with other classes/specs. How you’ve allowed them to be this broken for this long is just baffling. Balance passes shouldn’t take MONTHS, some of these changes can be made weekly and should be. Nothing drives people away from the game like classes/specs being awful and knowing they won’t be fixed for months at a minimum.

On a similar topic. Either everyone gets uncapped AOE or no one does. Pick one and stick to it. This is a major driving factor of current imbalance. Why does Warlock Rain of Fire have no cap but Shaman chain lightning is capped at 3 and all their other AOE is capped at 6? It makes zero sense both from a immersion perspective and a balance perspective.


Ah yeah and you’re not playing current fotm in classic LOOOOOOOOL

This will nerf Surv and Destro in more then just M+ where they don’t stand out like they do in M+.

what a joke your nerfs are, you have nerfed the only viable elemental shaman build because it sucked for some players to have to press chain lightning and it was not fun so because of the fun factor, you nerfed the spec and give nothing to help it

same with balance druids and feral druids who got nerfed before the start of the season

Now, destruction warlock gets a deserved nerf to aoe and you give them st buffs BUT YOU POSTPONE SAID NERFS

this is just a really bad joke

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This character is level 60 if you didn’t know that would place it in Vanilla classic, where Hunters are in no way considered FotM.

Ur a clown :clown_face:

lol, and you are very ill-informed.

Coming from the classic player that has said nothing of value or anything thats even remotely factually correct since they came into this thread.

<-------classic is that way buddy

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In your opinion. You still haven’t answered whether nerfing classes in M+ will have any affect on other activities in the game. If the answer to this question is yes then I do know what I’m talking about and my comments are relevant despite not participating in M+ directly. The changes will still impact my play. Ergo my statements are factual and this is relevant to the discussion of retail.

In no way are my comments related to classic nor just because my chosen avatar is a classic character am I not allowed to have an opinion on retail.

The only reason you have an issue with the classic avatar is because you can’t stalk my profile to try and attack me.

It does, and then OMG guess what?!?!?! They buffed ST to compensate.

Thats not how being right works. Just because i answer yes, doesnt automatically make you right. I mean youve already proven you have no idea what you’re talking about or grounds to speak on.

Explain to me how? You main fotm yet you dont push keys? Doesnt effect yoy. In fact these changes dont effect anyone except for 27+ keys where that damage actually matters.

Well no. But when rebuttled and asked you answered you didnt play retail much or push keys because of toxicity. I replied with the actual reason for toxicity and you called me toxic because you didnt ljle being wrong.

I dont have to stalk a profile when i baited all the answers i needed out of you to learn your capabilities and knowledge.

I love how this was OK but the Feral set in the PTR and Guardian druid damage was somehow over the line and had to be dealt with lmao.

Seriously though, since both Lock and Surv Hunt are both broken and not being nerfed, is it possible if you’re 120 with the legendaries but no 4 set to catch up and get KSM this season still and which of the two classes is better to do it on.

Absolutely nothing you say will change my mind. I’ve been too much of an Arthas fan for way too long, along with being a lore nut. On top of that, being a published author and knowing how beats and stories actually work, I know for an absolute fact that what was done to Arthas is horse apples, to put it nicely.

Continue speaking to the wind though, of course, if it makes you feel better. :slight_smile:

Survival has ridiculously OP AOE damage that needs to be nerfed for mythic keystones, as well as any other aspects of play where AOE damage is important. Nerfing survival for keystones will only impact your play in areas where you are currently stupidly overpowered, which will be healthy for the game

Retail classes are far more diverse in gameplay than classic classes.