Class Tuning Coming June 28

They announced affixes for MDI finals last week and teams have already started practicing. Guessing that holding off nerfs until Season 4 won’t negatively impact the event.

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You think because my avatar is from classic that I don’t have retail toons lol. What a fool.

Oh i guess it’d undermind your message pretty heavily right if you posted on a retail toon where your highest key done is a 13 eh? Yeah right i get it.

Let me go back at you with:

You’re so stuck in the M+ mindset you can’t think beyond how potential changes will impact other aspects of the game.

Ok, luckily I don’t do any m+ so it doesn’t impact me at all so please let me know how these changes impact other parts of the game for me.

Yet you preach that peoples opinions don’t matter because they won’t hit high keys. I’ve already stated my issue with balancing the game around M+ in the first place. It’s fruitless and will always be unbalanced toxic boost filled crap.

Ok to sum up you’re unable to provide any arguments about how these changes impact raiding (they don’t) or pvp (also don’t).

To be fair I don’t have my finger on the pulse of world questing so maybe the world quest enjoyers are in shambles.

First of all, the game mode isnt toxic…players are toxic. In other words, the gun didnt kill the man, the man behind the gun did.

Explain to me how the mentality is toxic? The mode incentivises teamwork and coordination. The game mode doesnt create toxicity, thats already in some of the people.

Toxicity in m+ typically stems in the lower brackets. These people “think” they know better, but instead of thinking of how they can improve to time they key, they blame others because “they” themselves are “way better”

I have a feeling youd be a toxic person just to even play the game with, let alone do a key with. Stay in classic bud, where theres only fire for you to stand in while you turret and stare at your action bars XD.

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They haven’t even stated how they will nerf Survival yet, but thinking a nerf isn’t going to impact other aspects of the game is being naive.

In the case of Warlocks, they are buffing other spells by a % to counter the changes. Thinking that it will end up the same net damage in other aspects of the game is also naive.

Ret will just play another conduit, Warr will switch back to Kyrian and probaly Arms and Outlaw will still be the best rogue spec.

Watch and see how Necro Destruction players work out . There single target is going to be insane just watch this BS. For PvP this will matter

The gatekeeping due to the inability to balance 5 mans is 1 example of the toxicity. People in this very thread stating they have to level new classes / specs just to be able to participate and be invited is a blatent example of one of the ways this game mode is toxic.

Could we also please get some more info on the upcoming talent tree reworks and progress/status of DF at the same time. The preorders going up followed by complete radio status silence on to how things are progressing is quite…discouraging


Well thats on those people for not making friends. Its an mmorpg, thats what the entire game is about haha

Im off meta, i just do keys with friends and sometimes pugs and i do 26+ keys rn.

The game mode isnt toxic because people are anti social or lack the motivation to take matters into their own hands.

I dont think you understand what you’re talking about well enough to even speak on the matter classic boy

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Assuming the avatar is my only character or the only iteration of the game I play lol. Yes I prefer classic over retail because retail is a complete mess.

Post on your retail character then instead of hiding…you wont


Nah because toxic people like you like to use character stats as a way to attack people. :slight_smile:

Says the guy who comes into a retail forum on a classic character attacking a game mode he doesnt play and the people in it.

Doesnt like the answers hes given, so he calls the person toxic. Claaaaaasic cop out


The game mode is toxic, I can see why you enjoy it so much.

Ah yes, lets reverse the situation because you have no grounds for amy of my arguments. Cant rebuttle so lets say hes toxic because it makes me feel better


Just an observation.