Class Tuning Coming June 28

Or you know they could just do consistent balance changes throughout an entire patch so you don’t end up with this situation to begin with?

I don’t understand why people want to restrict balance to the start and very end of a patch when consistently releasing balance patches throughout a tier provides a better playing field for EVERYONE and not just meta specs.

Everyone has devoted time to playing and gearing the classes and specs they love, not just people that reroll to the absolute FOTM Meta - and everyone’s time should be respected equally. There will always be a meta, but it shouldn’t be a case of a spec doing a stupidly large % more damage than everyone else.

If they actually bothered to make frequent balance changes the game would be all the better for it and people wouldn’t have to feel so awful for playing the class and specs they enjoy. Having to reroll to a handful of specs just to be competitive or “have fun” is awful.


But how? They have like 3 buttons, and just build rage lol. If they sneeze they’re doing like 10k, and self heal which doesn’t make sense. But still how lol.

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With this level of incompetence for almost the entirety of shadowlands from the blizz balance team, i have to wonder how any of them manage to breathe on their own.



So glad they finally buffed enhancement shamans defense with all these nerfs. The spec lives and dies by other specs nerfs and buffs

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Great job Warlock and Hunters for pushing back on the nerfs!

I guess when classes are represented by high-level streamers who complain to their viewers it gets immediate dev attention. Cough.

Pay attention shadow priest community. Cough!


Destruction Warlock still gutted in PvP and not viable - we had a few days of hope that we would be able to go Necro and have a chance at being competitive again, thanks for taking that away so quickly. Imagine completely gimping a spec after they had a few good weeks and never commenting on how you overcorrected.

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The idiom is “rein in”. I’m only posting the correction because as written the sentence has the opposite meaning
edit: unless the word play was intended… in which case very good :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope that in season 4 (as I understood why the warlock nerf) I hope that also apart from addressing dps they focus on healers and tanks (for a change) it would be fun to see a different set of dps, healers and tanks again (Since there was a halfway change, changing the meta tank from druid to dk, from Paladin healer meta to Hpriest it hurts that Rshammy remains a meta still and from the dps that went from Sub rogue to Surv Hunter along with Frost mage to Warlock Destru… even though I would have liked that the monk dps hadn’t been buffed now it’s meta again ._.)


At least there were buffs (and a blue post) following the massive nerfs. Shadow priests were massively nerfed four months ago and still without an explanation from the devs.

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I main the class and am not particularly happy about those nerfs, but I think there’s still a huge difference between big nerfs before a patch is even released and huge nerfs in the middle of a patch.

I don’t think there is a huge difference. The purpose of PTR is to test changes and see the impact. Since this isn’t your main class you may not be aware the nerf came shortly (1-2 weeks?) before patch release. The folks who participated in testing the changes deserve to hear what happened. Dev feedback has been in very short supply except for the chosen few classes.

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Come on blizzard. This is not on… I do not want to make a warlock to be invited to groups. But to get into those groups I almost have to. This is no longer fair for the other 90% of players not playing that class right now, why are you catering just for the one set of people. If this was the case why didn’t you just leave frost mage as it was for the season? Please stop being hyprocritical. Realize when the game is not in the right state for once please.

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Why not… just buff other specs? And keep buffing them every week or fortnight based on an intended damage profile until everything is within 5% of each other. We’re going into the end of expansion season, let destros and survs be as they are, and work to bring everything up to them?

Considering we are realistically looking to get very little change to our classes in Dragonflight, this will also help bring all of the classes into closer balance in DF as well.

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this thread is full of people who never would be pushing the keys these changes impact getting mad about the changes.

holding off on these nerfs was 100% the right play and if you disagree you clearly don’t understand the situation as well as you think you do.


Thank you for listening.

Can’t wait for that awful nerf to come back in s4, lawl.

Baddies trying to blame destro locks for their inability to push.

I could play BM and do well if I wanted to, its a joke.

Imagine tuning classes around 5man dungeon speed clears. Retail is a joke.


Imagine thinking anyone in this thread cares about a classic players opinion on changes done to retail for retail.


Are you seriously tone deaf? You all clearly have favorites and here we all the Havoc DHs preaching to the choirs about our 1 COVENANT ABILITY DOING MORE DAMAGE THAN OUR CLASS ITSELF, and yet your gonna continue to ignore us… I just canceled my damn sub.


The toxic mentality of M+. This style of game play should be avoided not embraced by Blizz. They say they want to remove the toxicities of this game yet they are going all in on one of the most toxic activities you can do and trying to make it an Esport which increases the toxicity.

Timed AoE 5 man skip clears will never be balanced, it’s always going to be 2-3 OP specs then they get nerfed into the ground and replaced by the next OP specs. It’s an endless cycle and they know it, best players can do is re roll to the op class each time, which blizz loves because those boost $$$.

I don’t think anything Kaivax said really is relevant to what your reply is. Yes, there are classes that are struggling more than others and yes i think many if not the majority of people would be in favor of more frequent tuning especially earlier on in the tier.

What Kaivax post is specifically commenting on is sweeping nerfs to an extremely powerful (albeit FOTM) spec for M+ that has already been an active agent for so long that groups which have pushed very high keys currently would be extremely difficult/impossible to replicate after the nerfs go through, these nerfs would essentially create a ceiling to what keys they could push for the rest of the season.

When S4 and MDI is so close, it’s really a no brainer to hold off on the nerfs. They still will get nerfed, just not until the season is over and the ladder reset.

Why are you even in this thread really, there are classic forums for you to talk about how good the old days were.